~ Ch. 14 ~

449 16 15

~ Dan Howell ~

A few rounds later, Dodie is shirtless, Tyler is covered in milk and strange sauces, I'm sitting on Phil's lap, wearing his hoodie, and he's wearing mine. "Let's make this interesting!"

"Can it get any crazier? I mean look at Tyler!" I say, gesturing to the boy sitting next to me, who is also sitting on a towel.

"He wanted food dares, he got it." Dodie giggles. "But really, Let's put a twist on it!"

"Okay, how?" Phil says questioningly.

"Like for example, I'll dare you to give Dan a hickey."

"WhAT?" Phil and I both shriek, eyes widening.

"Yeah, go ahead. Level two of dares with Dodie."

"Uhm." I start, baffled. Well, how do I put, uh I'm a lonely sad sack, and I've never gotten a hickey before? Yeah, that makes you look so cool, Dan. I'm gonna be a 40 year old virgin! Yay!

"Uh.." Phil stutters, repeating my actions.

"Oh come on, it's just a hickey." She sighs, rolling her eyes. 

"Reminder! I haven't even really kissed anyone!" I say nervously, and Dodie shakes her head. 

"It's easy. Just do what feels right. Now this isn't some kissing class, just let him give you a hickey." Phil wraps his arms around my waist and looks at me questioningly. He seems to notice my apprehension, but I shrug anyway. If I'm gonna get a hickey, it might as well be from my crush.

"Where?" Phil asks.

"Are you guys that dense?"

"Unexperienced maybe." I mutter and it seems that since I got here, my cheeks have been bright red. Maybe they think that I just always look like I got sunburned.

"On his neck! Duh!" Dodie points out, sighing heavily.

"I'm sensitive on my neck! No!"

"Oh come on, that makes it more fun." Tyler adds.

"I'm only doing it if he lets me." Phil asks, shrugging.

"It's a dare! Don't be a party pooper Howell." Dodie says, urging us.

"Whatever." I roll my eyes, trying to hide that I'm freaking out.

Phil pulls down the neck on my hoodie, pressing a soft kiss against my skin. I shiver, trying to stop my heart from beating out of my chest. I let my eyes flutter shut as he sucks on my skin gently. I bite back a moan. Yep. I was definitely right about the neck thing. And hell, if only there weren't others in this room.

He pulls away after a bit, satisfied with the marking on my skin. I compose myself, leaning back against him as I can tell my friends jaws are on the floor. We both turn to the two of them, noticing the shock etched onto their faces. "I didn't think you'd actually.." Dodie trails off, baffled.

"That was hot." Tyler mumbles.

I blush even harder, which you'd think was impossible at this point, but not only am I a hot mess, but now I'm turned on. Today was full of a lot of firsts, and its hardly even nighttime yet.


After my friends got over the fact that Phil gave me a hickey, we started talking and abandoned the game completely. I liked that though, because I got the chance to get to know them a lot better. Plus, Phil didn't push me off of his lap immediately. Although Dodie shuffled on pajamas and Tyler took a shower.

I think Phil might like me too. I mean why else would he have kissed me? It wasn't a kiss, but it was still a kiss. At this point, I'll take what I can get.

After a few more hours of chatting and playing games like would you rather and twenty questions, we started dozing off. Tyler was the first to fall asleep, crediting it to staying up the previous night with Dodie. Then came Dodie, who also used the same excuse. They took the top and bottom bunk. This left Phil and I, sitting on the pull out bed, up taking for at least two hours. By the time I had dozed off, its was nearly three am and I was snuggled up to my best friend and crush, thinking 'holy shit'


I can tell almost instantly that this isn't real life. It's a dream, but hell, I'll dream about this on the daily if I can. Phil and I are in my room, kissing. Obviously, a dream, because hell, he wouldn't. This wouldn't happen. 

But damn, those eyes, that smile, that- everything. Before I know it, the situation has escalated, and I realize just what kind of dream this has turned into. 

Might as well just enjoy the ride, right? 

~ 769 ~

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