~ Ch. 56 ~

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A/N- double update cause I feel like it :P

~ Dan Howell ~ 

After lunch, Phil and I ditched PE and basically made out in his car for a good thirty minutes. Then after being too lazy to drive to my place for a solid ten minutes, we finally managed to get up and drive there. This leads us to where we are now, sitting in my room and studying.

We have the science mid-term come 8:15 the next morning, and have been studying since 3:04. Mind you, it's nearly 6:15. He seemed to want to do nothing but study. I, on the other hand, wanted to anything but study. Usually, I'm the good kid.. But I have already been going over this for a good three hours, and I'm entirely too bored to go on. 

After about an hour of going through notes and text, I had decided I'd take matters into my own hands, being horny and completely bored out of my mind. "What are we doing? Come on.." I nag, leaning against him.

"We're studying, Dan," Phil mutters, reading from the laptop next to him.

"Boring. We've already learned it, for the most part," I shrug, leaning in and kissing his cheek. "How about a break? Twenty minutes?"

"You know whenever we have a 'break' we never keep studying."

"Fine, you keep studying then," I mutter, kissing along his jaw and moving even closer to him.

"Dan, the science exam is tomorrow," Phil reasons, leaning his head to the side as I kiss his neck, proving he wouldn't mind this continuing although his words say something else.

"And I said I've studied enough. Calm down," I reply. "I've missed you."

"You've seen me every day."

"Well, I know that.. I mean I've missed, you," I mumble against his skin, smiling in victory as he shivers. "And, last time we weren't in my bed.. Remember that night?" I ask softly, my own mind wandering.

"I'm really trying to focus," he sighs acting annoyed although his tone would have told me otherwise.

"Then focus. Don't mind me," I mutter with a smirk, knowing I've already won this bit.

"You are extremely distracting right now."

"Fine," I huff, pulling away from him completely and leaning back against my bed, going on my phone. I look up to see him glaring at me. "What?"

"You know," he shakes his head, looking back to his laptop.

"Do I? What'd I do? You told me to let you focus."

"You're a tease."

"No, I'm just respecting boundaries," I giggle, shrugging dismissively.

"Oh fuck off," he chuckles. "At least kiss me."

"Fine." I sigh, leaning over and kissing his cheek. "Happy?"

"Nope," he shrugs and I roll my eyes. I take this as my opportunity, and climb on top of him, straddling his hips and kissing him on the lips. I take my time, teasingly grinding against him. I pull away with a bright smile, biting my lip.

"Was that good enough?" I wonder, already getting my answer by the silence and lustful eye contact.

I mentally pat myself on the back, proud that I'd had the courage to start something. It was almost always Phil that started anything sexual, even a kiss. He leans back, looking at me with a shimmer in his eyes, almost shocked. Then he chuckles, looking at me like I'm the most special thing in the world.

"You are truly something else, Dan Howell," he whispers, looking me up and down with a small smile. I blush, unable to wipe the insanely cheesy smile off my face. "So, about that break.."

"Yeah," I mutter, pushing my laptop closed and tossing it to the floor, wincing as it hits the floor with a thud.

Phil is quick to take the lead, pulling me closer by the hips and kissing me. Again, I'm lost in a day-dream like trance, hardly believing what I'm experiencing isn't just a dream. He seemed to have that effect on me. I couldn't ever get out of my own head. Or I couldn't get out of the moment, rather.

It was some I'm-so-in-love movie type shit. Always perfect, occasionally awkward, starstruck and giggly.. These feelings were things I'd never felt before. He, was something I'd never experienced before. But of course, I never took the time to think, except when it was spur of the moment realizations, or thinking of how absolutely obsessed with him I was. Because I was, even if I said I wasn't, obsessed with him. But, God, he knows exactly how to get the butterflies started, and how to leave me with my head spinning.

Before my mind can catch up, I'm shuffling off my shirt and tossing it God knows where. He leans down, pressing short kisses along my jaw. I tug on his shirt, whining as he nips at my neck. "Mm.. Fuck, you know how I am about my neck," I groan, taking a deep breath.

"Mhm.." He mumbles, his breath hitting my skin and sending shivers over me.

We both jump as we hear a knock at my door. I chuckle to myself, calming down my racing heart. "What are you two doing in there?" I hear my mother's voice ask worriedly.

"Studying!" We both shout, getting the same idea.

"Alright.. Don't work yourselves too hard in there," she says.

"Okay! Thanks, mom!" I shout, biting my lip to muffle a laugh. I hear her walk away and I sigh, letting out a laugh. I grab my phone, blasting the first playlist that shows up on my screen. "You heard her, Philly. Don't work me too hard," I whisper seductively, putting my phone under my pillow and leaning down.

"Shut the fuck up," he giggles, cheeks turning red.

"Make me," I mutter, lips grazing over his as I whisper.

He seems to get what I'm hinting at, pulling me in by the back of the neck and kissing me passionately. I fumble with the buttons on his shirt, pulling away from his lips only long enough for him to take it off. I lean back in, connecting our lips once more. Slowly, my lips trail along his skin, stopping above his collar bone and nipping at the skin until a purple mark appears.

"Dan," he mumbles breathlessly, making my own breathing hitch for a moment. What is it about someone uttering your name in a situation like this that is such a turn on?

"Have I mentioned how insanely good looking you are before?" I wonder, pulling away from his skin enough to look him in the eyes, which were just as stunning as the rest of him.

"Shut up. I am not," he rolls his eyes, blushing and biting his lip.

"We are so not about to go back and forth on this," I say, drawing out my words. "You're hot as hell, end of story."

"And you're extremely pretty, Howell," he giggles, leaning in and kissing me. "Stunning."

"Am I?" I wonder, hands trailing against his soft skin, taking in every little bit of this moment.

If anyone's pretty, it's him. I can hardly ever take my eyes off him. At that question, he shakes his head, flipping us over so he's on top of me. "Gorgeous," he whispers. "How else do you think you got the nickname Pretty Boy?"

"Chance?" I joke, biting my lip to cover up a flustered smile.

~ 1230 ~

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