~ Ch. 39 ~

405 16 9

~ Dan Howell ~

Turns out that ride was literally the easiest thing to ever go on, and by the end I wasn't even holding onto the handles. "Wasn't so bad, was it?" Phil asks as we walk off the ride.

"Nope, it was actually pretty fun." I say, getting a giddy feeling, like I'm finally happy again. Nothing feels better than hanging out with friends and actually enjoying yourself.

"That one!" Dodie shouts, pointing to a large spinning ride.

"You guys go, I'm gonna sit it out. I'm not about to lose that ten dollar funnel cake because of some ride."

"O-okay.."  Dodie says slowly, shaking her head as we walk over to the gate.

We show the guy our bracelets and he points to a purple box. We all walk into it and strap ourselves in. "And this is how we die." I mutter.

"Are you going to say that every time?" Phil wonders, raising an eyebrow at me.


By the time that ride ends, my world is spinning and I'm laughing like crazy. "Jesus Christ I'm not doing that one again." I laugh, feeling the beginnings of a headache start up.

"It was worth the shot though." Dodie shrugs, leaning against Tyler.

"Ferris wheel! Come on!"

"You're so boring, Phil." Dodie sighs. "That is like, the worst ride."

"You're boring. I like that ride."

"Bo-ring." She says dramatically. "Right Danny?"

"I like it.." I say with a smile, looking down.

"You know what? I'm going on the yo-yo with Tyler, you two have fun."

"Okay wow, rude." I sigh as she walks off. She turns around and blows us a kiss, waving us in the direction of the ride. I shake my head at her, turning to face Phil. "So.."

"Looks like we're going on the Ferris wheel."

"Hey, if we're being boring, at least we're being boring together." I shrug as we walk through the field to the ride.

I sit next to him, my heart racing. No matter how long we've been together, I still get butterflies. It's not like its been that long, but still. I'm still falling for him hard and I wouldn't want it any other way. I forget what it was like to walk around without a racing heart or butterflies in your stomach. Before I know it my cheeks are bright red and I'm looking down.

"I love you, Pretty Boy." He mumbles, kissing my cheek. A large smile crosses over my lips and my cheeks get even redder. Oh my god I really love him. Someone pinch me. Am I dreaming? God someone actually kill me. Please? Too much. Its too much. He's too sweet and nice and-

"I love you too." I whisper, looking up and meeting his eyes.

Time seems to slow, although my heartbeat only increases. My eyes glance down at his lips, then back up at those blue eyes. We both lean in and he cups my cheek, soft lips meeting mine. Just like the first time, it's like a fairy tale, blissful.. Perfect.

"Ahem." The ride conductor clears his throat, making both of us jump. Well.. the ride ended.

"Can we just uh, go again?" Phil asks with a half hearted smile. Luckily the carnival isn't too crowded, so he nods, sitting back down and hitting the button. Once the ride starts up again Phil and I burst out laughing. "Well that wasn't awkward."

"Us? Awkward? No." I say sarcastically, leaning in and kissing him again.

Someone should time these rides, because they are way to quick. Before I can get anywhere, the ride ends again. Phil pulls away from me and does a hand motion, mumbling "Keep it going." to the ride conductor.

I laugh, our lips meeting again. Then his lips separate from mine, and press against my neck. "Phil! We're in public." I shriek, pushing against him.

"And fifty feet from the ground. The only guy that might care is the one controlling the ride." He mumbles against my skin.

"You are ridiculous." I giggle, rolling my eyes.

"You can't tell me you don't absolutely love this." He whispers, sucking on my skin lightly. Of course I wanted to object, but he is so damn good at what he's doing.

"Okay, but, w-we should probably get off the rid-de." I manage to stutter out, pulling on his shirt as the ride slows to a stop.

He pulls away from my skin with a smug smile, winking at me as we get off the ride. It's only then that I realize the song that the conductor put on over the speakers. Let's get it on by Marvin Gaye.

"Phil, the fucking song." I say, my jaw dropped as I begin to laugh.

"Well then." He laughs, grabbing my hand.

"You- No, we are not dancing right now." I groan as he spins me around, putting his hands on my waist.

"Really? Cause it looks like we are." He says with a smirk.

"You. Are. So. Annoying." I sigh, rolling my eyes.

"You act like you hate it.. But I know you don't." He says, and to be honest, he's right.

"This is embarrassing." I mumble, knowing that someone is watching, somehow. "I hate it."

"It's adorable now shut it."

"You shut it." I mumble, leaning in and kissing him softly.

The song fades out and I quickly pull away from him, blushing like crazy. Then, as predicted I hear clapping and shouting from my right. "PHANIEL IS REAL BITCHES!" Tyler shouts, clapping along with Dodie.

"That was adorable! You two are just- Aw!" Dodie says, walking up to us.

"Was buzzkills, am I right?" He whispers to me.

"You're actually the worst." I push him, biting back a smile.

"I've got that whole thing on video, so if anyone wants it, I'm sending it in the group chat."

"Dorothy Clark." Phil says, looking at her seriously. "Please find your chill."

"Not. Possible." She says firmly.

"Same." I mumble, my cheeks practically on fire.

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