~ Ch. 67 ~

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A/N- almost a month late, but here's a New Years chapter.. also future editing me says hi- If you already read this ch. skip to the end of the ch. for a note xx

~ Dan Howell ~

I wrap my arm around Phil's shoulder as his arm wraps around my waist. Dodie and Tyler walk a few feet in front of us into the house. Still, I'm not exactly sure what to do with myself, as my last experience at a party wasn't the greatest.

We all get into the house and stop by the entrance, looking around at the big open area. My family wasn't too comfortable when it came to money, and half the people at our school were about ten times richer than I could ever imagine being. The house was big, there was no doubt about that. Not to mention, you could hear the blaring music from outside.

I sigh, internally trying to convince myself this is going to be a great time. Phil presses a kiss to my cheek and I turn to look at him. "Hey, don't look so worried," he mumbles, pulling me closer. "I'm spending my last few hours of this year with my boyfriend."

"You sure you don't wanna hang out with someone a million times better than me?" I ask, only half joking as we follow Dodie and Tyler to the living room.

Phil stops in his tracks, pulling me so I'm standing right in front of him. I laugh a little, smiling at how stupid he's being about this. Still, he looks at me with the most serious face. "I wouldn't wanna be anywhere else, than here with you."

I shake my head, leaning in and kissing him. "That was so cheesy," I giggle, turning back towards the small group forming in the living room.

I watch as almost all eyes turn to us, and my friend's eyes light up. I raise an eyebrow curiously, only to see Dodie's smile grow. "Don't move," She warns, fishing her phone from her bag and pointing it at us. I laugh, my smile growing and my cheeks heating up. "Keep looking cute."

"Alright, alright," I say after she takes a few more pictures. "Leave the gays alone, and go back to your party."

Everyone else seems to look back to whatever they were doing earlier, laughing and going on their phones. Dodie completely ignores what I just said as she's staring down at her phone, swiping through pictures. "I just realized I don't have a single picture of you two kissing. Oh my god."

"Is that really an essential thing?" Phil wonders curiously, letting go of me and sitting down on the couch next to her.

"Yes!" She shouts, looking at Phil with widened eyes.

"Nothing in our life is private now, remember?" I joke, walking over to the kitchen to grab a coke, leaving my friends over by the couch. I'm mid-sip when Dodie comes rushing up behind me and I nearly spit it all over the tile.

"DANNY!" She shouts, pulling on my shirt. "Okay, okay," she says, about to go on a tangent.

"Jesus Christ," I sigh, coughing and turning toward her. "What?"

"First of all, would you look at him? I mean, I know, he's yours and shit. But like... He looks so good tonight, I'm like a proud best friend. He looks all confident and nice and pretty and I am about to die cause you two just look so wonderful tonight, and I'm happy cause you guys are happy and together and all nice and happy."

"Was that just the first thing?" I ask, slowly processing what she just said.

"Yes. Any comments before I continue?"

".. You are right," I say, looking over towards the couch at Phil as he smiles, talking to Hazel. "He does look good tonight."

"RIGHT!?" She smiles. "Anyway! Second out of three, I need a picture of you two kissing."

"Oh..Kay?" I ask, slightly weirded out by her strange obsession with our relationship. "I can send you a few.. I guess?"

"Good, okay. Third, its almost New Years, any comments?"

I pause for a moment, unsure if I really could form words for my feelings toward this year. "I hope this year is better... And I hope I stick with you guys, cause you're great."

"Same. I hope you and Phil stay together cause the day your relationship dies is the day I die."

"Christ." I roll my eyes at her. "Don't get me thinking like that."

"Alright, shoo, go be with him, cause you're looking at him like you really wanna be over there, and I'm sure he'd love to give you the attention," Dodie sighs, pushing me in that direction.

"You sure I'm not being.. overbearing, maybe?" I ask, biting my lip.

"He loves you, okay? Shut up," She scolds, grabbing my wrist and dragging me toward Phil.

She lets go of me once I'm standing next to him, then proceeds to drag Hazel over and start talking her ear off. Phil turns to me curiously and I just shrug, not sure how to explain what just went on.

An hour or two pass, and the group of about ten sits in a circle on the floor of the living room. I'm sitting on Phil's lap, next to Dodie and Tyler. We all sat down to play truth or dare, yet somehow, only half of us are actually playing. "You don't mind me not leaving your side all night, right?" I ask, although I'm almost sure of the answer I'll get.

"I'm perfectly fine with that one," Phil smiles, kissing my neck.

I look up at the TV, seeing a little over a minute on the count down. Dodie grabs her phone, turning on camera and filming as people grab their dates, wrapping up in each other's arms. I simply wrap my arms tighter around my boyfriend, smiling as he presses his lips to my neck again.

"Hey, Phil," some kid who I never really talk to calls out. "What's with all the uh.." he starts, gesturing to his arm. "Drawings?"

"I happen to be in love with an artsy boy, so.." He trails off, smiling widely.

That sentence hit me hard, like a punch to the gut, or an arrow through my heart. In a good way, of course. I was instantly left breathless, heart pounding out of my chest. Unknowingly, tears even sprung to my eyes. 'Did he just say.. he's in love with me?'

The rest of the group just nods and smiles, commenting on the doodles all along his arms. I just sit there, my mind skipping around helplessly. 'Oh my fucking god, he's in love with me. HE'S FUCKING IN LOVE WITH ME. I'M GONNA ACTUALLY CRY ON NEW YEARS AND MAKE A FOOL OF MYSELF.'

"Dan?" Phil wonders softly, turning to face me. "You alright there, love?"

Everything else seems muffled, and all I can really focus on is the sound of his voice and those blue eyes. Faded in the background, I hear our little group counting down from ten. 3.. 2.. 1

I lean in, grabbing the back of Phil's neck as I press a kiss to his lips. The crowd cheers "Happy New Year!" but none of it mattered at that moment. I pull away and quietly mumble, "Yeah, I am."

Phil smiles, and replies, "Happy New Year, Pretty Boy."

"Happy New Year, Phil."

~ 1223 ~

.. THE END ..

A/N- I DID IT!!! (I might make a legit sequel cause I really like this book.. idk lemme know.)

thanks for sticking around.. Love u guys!!

-M <3

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