Part 1

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Let's see where this goes...


"There were four out of five members of Fleetwood Mac in the same room." Christine said, talking about the reunion of the Fleetwood Mac lineup everyone loved. Stevie was the only one not present at that particular meeting, which Christine mentioned and Lindsey nudged Stevie, then kissed her hair.

"Well, it's not like anything else, when you're in a band and you have somebody like Lindsey to work on your songs, it's like, I mean I've told him several times in the last couple of weeks how much I appreciate all the beautiful things he did on my music that I didn't..." Lindsey pressed his lips to her hair once more. "...really appreciate then because it was my reality. Beauty on my songs was my reality. So, I did get to a point where I didn't appreciate it anymore and now I go back and I listen to all the stuff and I..." Placing her hands on her chest. "I'm so proud that I'm in this band, you know, because this is such incredible music."

"Again, I was in the studio with Mick, working on my stuff and Stevie had the song. And we thought it would be great to get her down and involve her in a sort of a musical format that was already going on anyway with the two of us and that was great." Lindsey casts his eyes down at Stevie and she blushes just a little. "Really great, we sing great two part harmonies and we hadn't done that in a long time. We had very little time to do that, just like two days and we walked out at 8 o'clock in the morning."

"I was waiting tables." Stevie put emphasis on I, while Lindsey felt the need to defend himself, adding. "I was working on tracks." To which everyone chuckled, even he had to laugh a bit.

Fleetwood Mac was officially back together; Mick Fleetwood, John McVie, Christine McVie, Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham – the lineup the fans loved and couldn't wait to see performing again. They had just finished a photoshoot and an interview, the five of them together. Once they were done, Stevie excused herself and went to her dressing room. Before she could shut the door, Lindsey stopped her from doing it with his foot. He noticed something in her had changed and he wanted to know if it was something he did. They had just gotten back together, he didn't want to start out wrong.

"Are you okay? You just left." Without replying, Stevie started undressing, wanting to change into something more comfortable. "Steph? Talk to me."

"Could you have been a bit more obvious?" She finally answered, hands on her hips, staring at Lindsey, while he stared back at her. Well, at her half naked. "Jesus Christ..." She shook her head at him and reached for a loose sweater, to cover herself up so he could focus. "We agreed, Lindsey. No one is supposed to know about us."

"I know, but I didn't do anything, did I?"

"You were glued to me during the whole interview. You kissed my hair several times, your thumb was constantly brushing across my back."

"Now that surely is considered a crime somewhere!" He scoffed, crossing his arms. "So what if I was being a bit touchy. Nobody noticed."

"I wouldn't be so sure." She wiggled her hips to get out of the skirt she was wearing.

"I'm sorry, Stevie, but I can't have an argument with you, while you're stripping in front of me." Lindsey said, sounding very serious. A moment of silence passed before they both started laughing. "Forgive me for being so affectionate." He thought it sounded absurd that he had to apologize for something like that.

"I just..." Stevie sighed, shrugging her shoulders. "I'm afraid, you know." She admitted. "Things have always been great until it's just the two of us. I'm scared we'll fail as soon as other people are involved."

"But they're not involved in our relationship." Lindsey pointed out, approaching her. He placed his hands on her shoulders and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "We're going to be fine, baby. We've grown up some, I'm sure. This time it's for real. Didn't we say, we're not going to let anyone and anything meddle in our relationship?" Stevie nodded, wrapping her arms around Lindsey's back. "So, let's not. Let's not argue over something so stupid like an interview, okay?"

"Okay." Stevie gave another nod of her head, she then tilted her chin up. "I'm sorry for overreacting."

"It's fine." Lindsey smiled and leaned in for a kiss. "I get it why you're concerned. The stress of being a part of a band like Fleetwood Mac messes with your mind. But I do believe we've changed. There aren't any drugs or alcohol, or groupies. It's five friends, five people who care about each other doing what they do best."

"You're really good at reassurance, you know." Stevie laid her head on his chest and he placed his palm on her back, stroking up and down softly.

"I just want you to have faith in us."

"I do. I do, Lindsey. Otherwise, I wouldn't have opened up my heart to you again."

"Love you." He said, kissing the tip of her nose, when they were face to face again.

"Love you, too." She replied.



Pulling back a little, Lindsey cradled Stevie's face in his hands and gave her another kiss.

There were other things besides Fleetwood Mac ahead of them that were going to mess with their minds and hearts.

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