Part 11

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It was a month later, the day of Fleetwood Mac's live performance together, their official reunion. Everyone was nervous, but they tried their best not to show it. Mick was probably, strangely, the least excited out of the five. There was no doubt in his mind that after tonight, Fleetwood Mac were going out on the road. He had a hard time understanding that Stevie and Lindsey didn't just do this on a whim, that they had finally become a family and they were blessed with a child. Mick, unfortunately, didn't see any difference between the two.

"Do I look fat in this?" Stevie asked Lindsey, who had just entered her dressing room. She was standing in front of a floor length mirror, looking at herself from every angle.

"Steph, you aren't even showing yet."

"That doesn't answer my question." Her eyes focused on his through the reflection in the mirror as she waited for him to say something.

"You don't look fat, you aren't fat." He said, approaching her from the back. His arms circled around her and his hands rested on her belly. 

"You're no help. I'll ask Christine."

Lindsey laughed at that, shaking his head. "Why did you ask me first then?"

Stevie shrugged her shoulders and freed herself from his embrace. "Are you ready? I mean, are you nervous at all? Because I am! I wish I could have a shot or-"

"But you can't." Lindsey pointed out, taking her hands in his to stop her from fidgeting. "And of course I'm a little nervous, but I'm really excited too. It's been some time since the five of us performed together."

"We'll be fine, right?"

"Absolutely." Lindsey reassured her, pressing a kiss to her forehead. "And if you do care what I think, then I want to tell you, you look wonderful." 

"Thank you." Stevie smiled, casting her eyes down. "I love you."

"Love you." He echoed, then placed his hand on her middle. "And you."

Before long, Fleetwood Mac had made a comeback. Stepping out on stage after years and years, performing the songs they and everybody else loved. They started with The Chain, which definitely seemed to be keeping them together, there was a reason why this particular lineup had reunited. A long list of their best known songs followed and it made the members of the band happy, hearing the audience sing along. Clearly, the fans had missed them. Even Mick cheered up. The show ended with Christine's Songbird, hardly leaving a dry eye among those who were in attendance. Then the band took their final bow before disappearing to backstage.

Stevie was trying hard to keep a smile on her face until the very last minute. She didn't know what it was, but she wasn't feeling very well. Lindsey noticed the change in her right away, wrapping his arm around her back as he accompanied her to the dressing room.

"Are you okay?" 

Stevie shook her head, letting out a deep breath. "I can't say that I am."

"What is it? Are you hurting?" Lindsey didn't want to panic, which would make Stevie feel even worse. 

"No, it's not that. Just..." Stevie trailed off, opening the door to her dressing room. "Maybe that out there was too much." She slumped down on the couch, while Lindsey grabbed a bottle of water for her. "I haven't done a show like that for years. I guess, I'm simply tired." As if on cue she yawned. Taking the cap of the bottle, she took several big gulps of the water, then put it on the small table in front of her. "All I want now is to take off these goddamn boots, change my clothes and get into bed."

"That's exactly what we're going to do." Lindsey sat down on the same table and closed his fingers around her ankle, lifting her leg up to unzip her boots. "You shouldn't have worn these."

"It wasn't too bad actually. My feet don't hu- Ohh..." She sighed, cocking her head back when Lindsey started massaging her foot as he then moved to the other one. "That might be better than sex."

"Thanks!" Lindsey laughed, his fingers still busy. 

While the two of them were getting ready to leave, Christine came in, asking if they were joining the after party. She wasn't surprised, when Stevie declined the offer and if Stevie wasn't going, she knew Lindsey wasn't either. They hugged and said their goodbyes, doing the same when John and Mick appeared in the doorway as well. 

Soon Lindsey was helping Stevie into the back of Stevie's assistant's car, who was going to take them home. Stevie managed to fall asleep on the way and Lindsey nudged her once they arrived. Lindsey could tell she was absolutely exhausted, taking her up the stairs and into their bedroom. 

"Yeah, there will be no touring for sure." He said and Stevie glared at him.

"Don't even say that word." Lindsey couldn't remember the last time her voice sounded so serious. 

"Come on, get your sexy ass in bed." He pulled the covers away. "I'll be right back."

Stevie mumbled something more to herself than him, her eyes closing as soon as her head hit the pillow. 

Like Lindsey promised, he returned to the bedroom no more than fifteen minutes later, but Stevie was clearly fast asleep. Smiling at her, he pressed a kiss to her cheek, before joining her on his side of the bed.

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