Part 9

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Lindsey spent the night in the studio. He thought he'd just spend some time on his own, play guitar and think. Waking up on the couch the next morning, he realized he hadn't made it to bed. Did Stevie come look for me?, was the first thought, but something told him that she didn't. Lindsey understood that what he was asking of her was huge and she had every right to hesitate. Taking caring of a newborn wasn't going to be easy, but two? He gulped at the idea. 

Sitting up, Lindsey yawned and ran his fingers through his hair back and forth a few times, before he got up to his feet. The studio was located in the basement of the house, so he made his way to the stairs and climbed them up. Opening the door he stepped out and went to the kitchen to start off his morning with a cup of coffee. 

Entering the kitchen, Lindsey found Stevie already sipping on a cup of tea. She lifted her eyes up at him. "Good morning."

"Morning." Lindsey echoed and proceeded making his own drink. 

It was awkward, he hated that things had suddenly become awkward between them. He scratched the back of his head while waiting for the water to boil, facing away from Stevie. 

"You didn't come to bed last night." Stevie stated the obvious.

"I didn't mean to fall asleep on the couch."

"Really? Because I'd hate it if you thought you couldn't spend the night with me." She told him honestly, causing Lindsey to shake his head. 

"No, that's not what it was. Seriously. I was messing with some melodies on the guitar and the next thing I know - it's morning. How did you sleep?" He asked, pulling out a chair next to her.

"Not as good as usual. The bed seemed too big without you. Lonely." Stevie added with a shrug. 

Giving her a weak smile, he covered her hand with the palm of his. "I'm sorry."

She didn't say anything for a moment, just stared back at him intensely. Chewing on her bottom lip, she then sighed heavily. "I think we can do it." She spoke up at last, having his full attention. "This probably will be the hardest thing we've ever done in our lives, but..." Shrugging her shoulders, Stevie smiled a little. "It's a lot more fun growing up with a sibling, don't you think?"

"You have no idea how much I love you." Lindsey didn't know how else to respond, standing up, pulling her up to her feet as well before he embraced her tightly. "I was so afraid to hear your answer. I started thinking that you're going to leave me or-"

"Slow down." Stevie drew back slightly, cradling his face in her hands. "I will never ever let you go again, that's one. Two, yes, I'm absolutely terrified of what we've signed up for, but this is our reality, Linds."

"I'll do everything I can to help you, you know that. We're in this together."

"We are." Stevie nodded, leaning in for a brief kiss. "I also want to meet Sharon. Is that possible?"

"Uh, well, sure." Lindsey gave a shrug of his shoulders. "Why do you want to meet her?"

"Why not? I want to know the woman, who's carrying our son."

Lindsey smiled at the sound of that. "You've got a heart of gold, Stephanie Nicks."

"I don't." She shook her head, adding. "I just love you."

Lindsey started laughing unexpectedly. "Mick is definitely not going to pat us on the back, is he? All of his hopes of anything besides the comeback show will be crushed."

"Honestly, the last thing on my mind is Mick Fleetwood right now." 

"As it should be." Lindsey gave her a pointed look and she rolled her eyes. "Right. I'm going to call Sharon."

"You do that." Stevie said, taking her empty cup to the sink. "What would you like for breakfast?"

"You know I'll eat anything. Especially if you're on the menu." Lindsey winked before making his way over to the phone. Stevie muttered something in response, her cheeks slightly pink.

After dialing Sharon's number, Lindsey waited for her to answer, slightly anxious. Why, he wasn't really sure.

"Hi, Sharon, it's Lindsey." 

"Good morning." She definitely sounded surprised. "What can I do for you?"

"I finally talked to Stevie and she wants to meet you."

"Oh? Why?"

Chuckling nervously, Lindsey said. "Not entirely sure. But she's accepted that we're going to be parents to two kids in the very near future. She says, she wants to get to know the woman, who's carrying our baby."

"Well, alright. When?"

"Whenever you can."

"I suppose today is fine."

"Brilliant!" Lindsey replied excitedly. "Any particular time you prefer?"

"I'm home the whole day, relax, Lindsey." Sharon laughed lightly, she could sense he was nervous. "I'll see you two when I do."

"Yeah, I'll see you later." He hung up with that. 

A wide grin crossed Lindsey's face as he rejoined Stevie. She could tell he was happy and she was happy for him, she wasn't going to tell him she was still very unsure about the whole situation even though she had already agreed to it. She wasn't going to let this separate them again, she made a promise.

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