Part 20

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"It's your turn, Linds." Stevie mumbled sleepily from under the covers, hearing Eric crying in his nursery.

"Is it really?" Lindsey asked, yawning, pulling the sheets up higher.

"I said, go!" Stevie pressed her feet against his back and pushed forward, causing Lindsey to nearly fall out of bed.

"Jesus Christ, I'm up! I'm up, I'm going!" Unsteadily he stood on his feet, blinking a couple of times to get accustomed to the dark. 

It didn't really bother Lindsey to be getting up during the night several times. He loved his son. Just that he was exhausted, since Stevie hadn't been feeling too well and she was trying to stay away from Eric. Not that it actually worked, the boy loved and wanted his mama. 

"Of course hunger is not why you're crying." Lindsey sighed, before a smile tugged at his lips. "Let's get you cleaned up." 

Putting the baby down on the changing table, Lindsey changed Eric's dirty diaper without any hassle. The boy was three months old and Lindsey had already done it more than a handful of times. 

Eric's little fists gripped a finger on Lindsey's each hand, which made him smile. He felt such unconditional love every time Eric did something like that and there was really no way of telling what and when he'd do it. Lindsey loved being surprised by each new little thing. It wasn't easy of course. If Lindsey said it was, he'd be lying, but he thought he and Stevie were doing a pretty damn good job so far, especially it being the first time for both of them.

"You're not sleepy at all, are you?" Lindsey asked, Eric's big blue eyes staring up at him. Glancing at the clock on the wall, Lindsey took Eric back into his arms and got comfortable in the rocking chair. "Let's hang out for a while, just us two." 

Stevie, on the other hand, had fallen asleep as soon as Lindsey left the room. She was grateful for him, she truly was. Lindsey was an amazing father and he didn't even mention it that she'd been letting him do all the work the past week or so. She adored just looking at the two of them together.

Hours later, Stevie woke up feeling fully rested. It was after 11 am and she frowned, wondering why Lindsey let her sleep for so long. Was Lindsey going to make breakfast? Hardly. Getting out of bed Stevie went to the bathroom and turned the lock, she didn't really know why, just...

"Good morning." Stevie came downstairs some time later and found Lindsey in the living room with Eric lying on his chest. 

"Morning." Lindsey smiled at her and put his arm around her when she sat down next to him.

"Why did you let me sleep for so long?"

"Why not? Clearly you needed it." He said, pressing a kiss to her hair. "We were fine on our own, right?" Lindsey looked down at Eric, whose eyes were set on Stevie.

"Come here." She said, lifting the baby off Lindsey and cradling him in her arms. "Morning to you too, sweetheart." She kissed the top of his head, inhaling his scent. "Mommy loves you."

"Does Mommy love Daddy?" Lindsey asked, his palm stroking her arm. 

"So very much." Smiling at him, Stevie pursed her lips for a kiss. 

"Do you want me to make you a cup of coffee?"

"Make it tea." Stevie said, nodding her head.

Lindsey left the room and Stevie got up to her feet, following after him into the kitchen. Taking out two mugs he glanced at her, raising an eyebrow. "What's up with you?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not sure. Something's different about you this morning." Lindsey put the kettle on and leaned against the kitchen counter, his arms folded as he waited for the water to boil.

"Don't know what you're talking about." Stevie shrugged, despite the massive grin she couldn't contain. "Let me take over, I'll make us something to eat." She said, kissing Eric's chubby cheek before placing him in his father's arms.

Lindsey was looking at Stevie weirdly, she was never this happy in the morning and she certainly didn't hum. He watched her moving around the kitchen, swaying on her feet as she started singing to herself. 

"Babe, you sure you're alright?" 

Looking over her shoulder, Stevie nodded her head, laughing. "Yes! I'm in a good mood."

"I can tell."

"What's so wrong about that then?"

"It's not wrong." Lindsey shook his head. "Just that you've been so down these past few days."

"Well..." She began and trailed off, keeping him guessing. Bringing two cups of tea to the table, then coming back for their breakfast, Stevie put a plate down in front of Lindsey and the other to his right as she took a seat as well. 

"Well what?" Lindsey spoke up, since she didn't.

Her heartbeat sped up as she bit into her lower lip, thinking of the words that were about to escape from her mouth. She was absolutely terrified, true, but she was also completely overjoyed. She had been to the doctor's and she had her suspicions confirmed the day before, she just wasn't sure how to tell him.

"I'm pregnant."

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