Part 7

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"How are we going to tell the band?... Lindsey?" Stevie called his name, not receiving any response. "Honey, you've been somewhere else for days."

Forcing a smile, Lindsey shook his head and brought her hand up to his lips. "I'm fine. Just... a lot on my mind. Big changes are upon us."

"That's true, which is why we can't keep this from the rest of the band. I know what I said about waiting, but Mick's already thinking about a tour and we can't lead him on, we can't make him believe we'll be a part of it."

"We could tour for a couple of months." Lindsey suggested, but feeling Stevie's eyes on him, he ditched the idea. 

"All the preparations, the rehearsals? By the time we'd start, I'll be heavily pregnant."

"Well, we're going to have to sit down with Mick and explain the situation. Hope he won't go crazy."

Stevie sighed, turning to look out the window at the city as they were passing it by. "I just don't think he'll understand. He'll say the same thing, can't we tour for a couple of months?" She echoed Lindsey's previous words.

"Don't worry about it too much. It will be fine." Lindsey tried to reassure her, kissing each knuckle of her left hand.

They were the last to arrive at a meeting with the rest of Fleetwood Mac. Mick wanted to decide on the final list of songs they were going to perform at their comeback show. Stevie was glad that was all they were doing, she didn't feel up to singing at all. And apparently it showed.

"Hey, love. Are you alright?" Christine asked, hugging Stevie, who nodded and smiled.

"I am, maybe a little tired."

"Lindsey's keeping you up at night?" The older blonde smirked making Stevie laugh.

Once everyone had greeted each other, they all settled down and Mick presented them with his choices. No one strongly objected, but they did make several changes. They all knew a couple of songs would get exchanged once they started rehearsing, but for the time being, they had their minds made up. 

As soon as Mick took a deep breath and his eyes focused on hers, Stevie knew exactly what he was about to bring up. "The tour."

"Well, we kind of agreed we're going, didn't we?" Christine asked, looking at her bandmates.

Stevie was chewing on her bottom lip, nervous, feeling Lindsey give her hand a squeeze. "Steph?"

She cleared her throat to speak. "Lindsey and I have some big news. I know we all sort of assumed we'd be going on the road, but... we just found out that we're expecting." She finished with a smile. 

Christine and John got up to congratulate the couple without hesitation, while Mick remained seated, his eyebrows creased. "When do you think you'll be able to perform again?"

"Shut up, Mick." Christine scolded him. "Forget about the money for once!"

"It's what we do, Christine." Mick said. "We're a band, we play for our fans. This is how we make a living."

"It can wait." Lindsey spoke up, his arm protectively wrapped around Stevie. "We've been trying for a while and we're extremely happy. Don't ruin it for us."

"This is a high risk pregnancy, Mick." Stevie said. "I'm not going to stress myself out because you're greedy."

"Don't say that, it's not true!" Mick disagreed, but even John sided with the other three.

"Come on, mate. You know this is what they've always wanted. Let them be happy, let them enjoy the experience." Stevie smiled at John's words and thanked him, but he simply waved it off.

"You're all ganging up on me, that's just brilliant! Why do we even bother with this reunion?" Mick jumped to his feet, throwing his hands up in the air. 

"We bother with it, because it's something we all want to happen. We need it, Mick. It's now or never. Also, this is like a promise to our fans that there are great things to look forward to in the future. Maybe not half a year from now, it might take a while, but we will be back." Christine tried to reason, but Mick wasn't really listening. 

Mick didn't wait for anyone else's opinion, deciding storming out was for the best. 

"What a man child." John shook his head with a sigh.

Since the leader of the band had disappeared, the rest decided to call it a day as well. Lindsey knew Stevie was upset, she didn't say one word to him on the way home. Without a conversation to occupy his mind, he thoughts drifted back to Sharon. He'd been trying to tell Stevie about her for the past few days, but he simply couldn't bring himself to do it. However, he was running out of time and he knew it.

When Lindsey pulled into the driveway at last and turned the engine off, Stevie got out of the car and without waiting for him, she went to the front door, sliding her key in she turned it, the pushed the door open. Lindsey jogged to catch up with her. Opening the door, Stevie heard the phone ringing and she went to answer it before Lindsey could.


"Mm?" He came up to her. 

"Uh, a woman named Sharon is asking for you." Stevie tried to act as if it didn't bother her, but it did. Greatly. "Who is she?" Stevie asked before handing the phone over to Lindsey.

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