Part 5

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By the look on Stevie's face he already knew what she was going to tell him. He wanted to stop her, to save her from another heartbreak. Getting up to his feet, Lindsey approached her and pulled her into his arms. 

"It's okay." Pressing his lips to her temple, he drew circles on her lower back. "It's alright, Steph. Don't get upset."

"No, I..." She trailed off, shaking her head. She opened her mouth but nothing came out.

Cradling her face in the palms of his hands, Lindsey smiled weakly at her and gave her a small kiss on the lips. "I told you, it doesn't matter what the test says, I still love you."

Stevie's small hands closed around his wrists and she smiled, her eyes brimming with tears. "It's positive."

Lindsey stilled. His eyebrows creased and his jaw hung open. His hands fell from Stevie's face to his sides and he just stared at her for a moment.

"I took four. Well, three at first and then another one." Stevie chuckled. "That's why I've been gone so long. I had to make sure."

Still, Lindsey stood speechless. He had started losing hope himself, despite the things he'd been telling Stevie. He was in shock.

"Linds, honey?" Stevie swallowed uneasily, closing the gap between them he had made. "Aren't you going to say anything? Aren't you happy?"

Lindsey didn't realize he had started crying until Stevie brought a hand up and brushed his tears away. Somewhat careful, she wrapped her arms around him and Lindsey hid his face in the curve of her neck, locking his hands behind her. 

"I can't believe this..." He whispered. "I just..."

"I know." She smiled, running her fingers through his curls. "I know, Linds."

"God..." He drew back, smiling as he captured her lips. "I love you so much, you know that right?"

"I do." She nodded, kissing him back. "And I love you, too."

"What do we do now?" Lindsey asked, honestly not having a clue what followed.

Taking him by the hand, Stevie led them to the bed and they sat down. "I want to see a doctor. You can never know with these pregnancy tests. I need to be told I'm expecting by a doctor."

Duh! "Of course!"

"And we don't tell anyone just yet; not family members, not friends." Stevie said, giving Lindsey a look. True, he mostly kept to himself and he didn't really show emotion, but when something as huge as finding out he was going to be a father happened, Stevie knew he'd have trouble keeping his mouth shut. "I just want to be absolutely sure."

"I understand and I completely agree. We'll wait." Lindsey nodded, unable to stop grinning, which Stevie thought was adorable. "It's a shame we have to meet up with the band soon, I would have liked to celebrate." He smirked and Stevie playfully smacked his chest. 

"One track mind!" Stevie laughed, shaking her head at him. 

"Don't tell me you didn't enjoy all the trying we've been doing."

"Not always." Now she was smirking as she shrugged her shoulders and got up to start getting ready, while Lindsey was left with nothing to say for the second time in the last half an hour.

While Stevie was taking a shower, Lindsey was having a hard time staying calm. His dream of having a family with Stevie seemed to be finally coming true and he couldn't be happier. He was already picturing a baby boy or a girl - a mixture of he and Stevie, and no one and nothing could have wiped the smile off his face. 

Or so he thought.

The phone started ringing and without much thought, Lindsey went to answer the call. 

"Hello, Lindsey."

His heart stopped. It took him a moment to speak up. "Why are you calling this number? I told you, it's for emergencies only. Otherwise, I call you."

"How do you know it isn't an emergency?"

"Well, is it?"

"No. I understand there are changes in your personal life, but this is what you signed up for. What am I supposed to do, huh?"

"I'm hanging up." Lindsey knew he was being rude, he truly didn't mean it, but he feared Stevie overhearing the conversation.

"Don't!" He heard a rushed reply from the other end of the line. "Look, I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't be using this number, but I don't have anyone to take me to an appointment. I could really use your help."

Hearing these words burst Lindsey's bubble. He should have told Stevie the truth when she asked him if there was anything he was keeping from her. He couldn't, he just couldn't bring himself to do it after hearing what she had to go through not that long ago. She most likely wouldn't have reacted well then, but now? How was he supposed to tell her now?

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