Chapter 12

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The Kingdom of Heaven
Raziel 's POV

I stormed through the sacred halls, Airick following close behind me. "I don't understand, why are you so upset? I thought you were being held back by Lucifer. I wouldn't put it past him. Didn't you want to come back? Besides, angels can't survive down there for long; too much sin."

My scowl turned to Airick, and he shut up. Bursting through the doors to God's pavilion, I squinted at the bright light, groaning as my eyes burned. Immediately, Airick began to speak. "You have been down in the dark for far too long, child, if your eyes feel pain that they should not."

I growled. "I don't care! Just take me back there!"

"But why, dear child? Do I not provide you with everything you could ever want?" Airick's nervous expression looked between the light of God and me.

"No! It's not that! I just... Have to see him again." 

Airick was silent for the longest time before he sighed. "I see... The friend you'd had on Earth, the one you'd loved."

"And still love!"

He shook his head. "No, you don't. Those are remnants of your past feelings. You cannot love a demon."

"Why not?!" I knew I was testing the patience of God by contradicting him so much, but I couldn't give him up again. Not when I'd finally found him. 

Airick huffed. "Because demons are tainted souls. Sinners. I don't want you to suffer or be tainted by them. They do not know love as you and I do."

"That's not true! I've been with them longer than any other angel has! I've seen their ways, their behavior. I know that they have feelings, as we do. The king of Hell has even chosen a bride out of love!"

Again, he shook his head. "An advantageous marriage at best. Having a human bride opens lots of door for the demons to take over Earth as well."

"But they've been married over two years, and not once has he tried to take Earth! He's become intimate with the human!"

Airick's eyes widened. "Intimate..." He thought about this before waving his hand. "Enough of this." His expression softened. "Go to bed, child. It's been a long day for you, I'm sure. Get some rest, and we'll discuss this later. I'm sure you'll need a while to adjust to being back home."

With that, the discussion was over. Airick was given control of his body once more, and he stretched out, bowing his head and giving a small prayer before waiting for me to do the same so we could leave. I didn't, though, and instead stormed out of the hall.

Airick caught up with me, his eyes wide. "You didn't pray."

I scowled. "Not everything has to happen all the time."

He said nothing, but I knew he was surprised. We said our farewells, and I returned home sighing at the echoing silence I was met with. In Hell, the only thing that echoed was the screams of pain. Crazy as it seemed, I missed those sounds. I moved into my bedroom, still squinting slightly at the bright light shining through my room. I thought of the fake light they'd put in my bedroom in Hell. It was much darker than this, and before that had made me uncomfortable. Now, I longed for the comforting darkness.

In the end, I had a large comforter pinned to the wall above the window, blocking the light from the outside as much as possible. Satisfied, I settled into the bed, staring at the wall. All of it was painful. Familiar and warm, yet at the same time foreign and uneasy.

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