Chapter 15

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The Kingdom of Hell
Azazel's POV

My body felt heavy as I lay on the bed in my room, staring blankly at the ceiling. How long have I been like this? My head turned slightly, staring at the empty spot next to me. Raziel... My heart clenched at his name. He isn't coming back...

I scowled at myself. Why am I so affected by this? I knew from the beginning that he'd never be mine. This was just a hard reminder. I'd finally gotten him out of my mind, and he'd come back to remind me of our past. Sitting up, I ran a hand through my hair. This shouldn't make me feel this way. I learned long ago how to control my emotions. So why is everything falling apart?! My breathing became uneven, my eyes staring at the bed in front of me. 

"Azazel?" I jumped, turning to the door frantically. Micah gave me a bewildered look. "Someone's here to see you."

He stepped aside, and Grim grinned at me. "Hiyah!" He frowned, his eye sockets narrowing in worry. "How, you look awful."

"How kind of you to say."

Grim shrugged. "It's the truth. Sometime's the truth hurts."

That it does.  I tried to ignore the ache in my chest. Grim watched me quietly. "If it makes you feel better, you look worse than Raziel did."

My head shot up to his. "Raziel?"

He nodded. "Yep. Went to see him earlier."

I bit my lip, grabbing my arms. I desperately wanted to ask how he was, but I knew I shouldn't. I have to get over him. Hearing about him isn'y going to help me. "Anyway, he's probably on his way here to see you."

I froze. "But... God-"

"Yeah? I told him to break the rules." Grim smiled. "I mean, why does he have to listen to God if it makes him unhappy?"

"He's an angel." I said plainly.

"And you're a demon. You disobey Lucifer all the time."

"Not all the time! And angels don't disobey. Ever."

Grim raised one eye socket, and I imagined this was his way of raising an eyebrow. "So maybe he'll just have to become a demon."

I stared at him. Was this his plan all along? I almost smiled. Almost. Instead, I stood in shock. "He can't! He's too pure to live like this. He deserves to be an angel!"

"And who says you deserve this?" A new voice called out from behind Grim.

We both turned, and my eyes widened, taking in the sight of Raziel. He scowled. "I don't deserve to be a demon? Then why do you deserve it?! You were so innocent on Earth! I..." He looked down. "I broke your heart."

I shook my head. "You didn't break it. I did. You fell in love, and so did I. Just, I fell for the wrong person. And I wasn't innocent. None of the things I thought about were pure. I was always jealous of anyone you loved. I wanted to take away your happiness. That's why I ended up here."

Raziel frowned. "But-"

"But nothing! Now, go back. Maybe God will forgive you if you apologize." I turned away.

Silence followed, and I thought he'd left, but I gasped when two strong arms wrapped themselves around my waist. "I'm not going!" Raziel leaned against my shoulder. "Not if it means you have to wear that devastating expression." 

Before I could say anything, he continued. "And I deserve to be here much more than you do. I don't know how I ended up an angel when all I wanted to do was lock you up every time you so much as looked at anyone else. I tried to date others to destract myself from those feelings. Then you died and..." His arms clutched me tighter. "I love you."

My breath hitched, but I tried to squirm out of his grip. "You don't mea-"

"I do!!" He turned me around, gripping my shoulders and forcing me to look him in the eyes. "I wouldn't have tried so hard to look for you if I hadn't."

His face moved closer to mine, and before I knew it, he'd pressed his lips on mine. They were soft and warm, and my eyes widened at the feeling. Slowly, I leaned into the kiss, relishing the feeling. When we pulled apart, Raziel gave me a hopeful look. "Do you love me?"

Not saying anything, I looked down and nodded. A slow applause made us jump apart, and we turned to Grim, who was sitting in the chair by the window. "Nice. You guys are dating now, right?"

Raziel scowled. "Grim!!"

Grim held up his hands. "Hey, I'm not the only one who was watching."

We turned to the door, and Lucifer grinned at us, holding a blushing Micah against his chest. Micah covered his face with his hands. "I'm so sorry!"

"I'm not," Lucifer and Grim spoke simultaneously.

Raziel glared at them, but I pushed my head against his chest. Raziel let out a surprised noise, but then I felt his arms go around me, holding me closer. His lips pressed down on the top of my head. "I love you."

I muttered against his chest, "Me too."

Lucifer clapped his hands together. "Great! Now that that's settled, anyone for jeopardy?"

I looked at Raziel, who shook his head. "No, I have to... I have to talk to God."

"Oh, don't bother." Another voice piped up. Seth leaned against the doorframe. "I came by to deliver a message. Basically, come back whenever, and feel free to bring your boyfriend. Just remember that the angels do actually sleep, so..." He gave us a wicked grin.

Raziel nodded, but looked around. "Is there anyone else who'd like to spontaneously appear at a convenient moment?"

Airick peeked his head in, smiling nervously. Raziel sighed. "Anyone else?" 

Grim raised his hand. "I think my boyfriend is coming!"

I frowned. "You have a boyfriend?"

Grim sighed. "No."

Raziel stared at the door. "So no one else is coming? Good." I frowned for a moment, but then he took my lips in quick kiss. I blushed while he turned to Lucifer. "Jeopardy sounds great."

Lucifer gave him a big grin. "I think I like your boyfriend, Azazel."

I blushed, but glanced at Raziel. "Me too."

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