03 | Rebellion

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On every street, every car, every surface a name,
Tonight the streets are ours and we're writing and saying,
"Don't let them take control,
No, we won't let them take control."

Hurts Like Heaven - Coldplay

* * *

Three Years Later...

May 14, 2020
London, England
12:15 PM

Earth -- the third planet of the Solar System that was once filled with different hues of colors, is now fully covered in different shades of gray in the same shade as its moon; spinning around in silence as it expressed nothing which the grayness (almost written as "gayness") embraced into its inner core. Daytime was hardly recognize among it's dimmed skies.

Life was more beautiful and peaceful -- besides the horrible things happened -- until Major Minus and his Empire of Silence took it all away as they finally take over the planet upon their control, armies of Silencers swarmed around from each and every corner spying on the citizens day after day and night after night trying to make sure that they'll never rebel against their empire. Every city on every country has their streets changed into buildings and skyscrapers in a futuristic look and trees or flowers are barely seen around them.

Now everyone (adults and children alike) around the world were slumpily walking through the color-less streets with the bulky and frustrative equipment of the Hypnofeed on their heads like mindless zombies -- where all things that made them feel happy and relaxed were just happening inside their heads like a neverending dream, just to "calm down" the people from the so-called Eaters whom Minus warned them of what they'll do to them as they "slowly exist" on Earth by letting its colors and sound to stay for long periods of time. Obviously, it's a huge fat lie -- so if anyone removes the 'Feed on the outside world and either returned the colors and sound in Earth or even disturb the C.A.L.M. (it's a very bad idea to do so), I'm afraid that person will be immediately terminated instead.

Among the cloudy gray skies of London, in the Tower Bridge, several squads of Silencers (who are all clones) located at the left side were firing their rifles which a wide barrage of laser-like bullets were being blocked but took damage against a holographic dome-shaped force-field emitting by a mech colored in gray and black with a few streaks of neon purple. A French flag painted on its left bulky shoulder pad as its model code R3 FU G33 printed at the right temple of the mech. As for the citizens, they quickly got away from the sudden fight upon the Silence's orders.

Inside the "heart" on where the pilot of the mech was placed inside is Will Champion, controlling his beloved mech named Prospekt by the two joysticks in his hands as two massive cannons on the mech's arms fires out purple fusion blasts as it hits the Silencers one by one. His force-feild reaching from twenty percent under durability upon the visor of his helmet. Infront of Prospekt was Guy Berryman with two shotguns in his hands, helping his mech pilot friend to attack, wearing black military gear against his dark scarlet hoodie with a black beanie on his head.

Supporting Champion and Berryman behind their backs was Phil Harvey and Lara Breddemann, both wearing gray superior-like uniforms with their team name A.L.I.E.N.S. (Attempt to Liberate the Innocent and to Execute the Nauseating Silence -- cool acronym) patched on the shoulders the same as Guy's on his bullet-proof vest and Will's pilot helmet. They shifted their places as they fire their blasters at the Silencers, meeting each other's eyes from time to time. Moments passed away as the loud assault continued, Phil suddenly called out, "Lara!"

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