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I’ve been in my room with Bridget for an two hours. There was a half bag of chips, empty tubs of ice-cream, and sodas everywhere. I dropped the spoon in the half eaten tub of Ben & Jerry’s Fish Food. “I’m sorry.” Bridget said for the umpteenth time.

“Its fine. I’m just glad you got over whatever it was why you were mad and you’re helping me.” “I was stupid.” I laughed and nodded.

I shoved another spoonful of ice-cream in my mouth.

“What do you think Jake is doing right now?” “Between drying off and being mad at himself. He missed out on a great girl you know…” She pointed out. “If he did why did he storm off? Leave me in the rain twice?” “Maybe he doesn’t like you?” She winced.

“He said he loved me.” I said pushing the spoon around the tub.

“You left that out!!” She screamed. “SHH!” I shushed her. “God if my mom finds out Bridge I’m dead! Shut up!” “Sorry!”


My phone went off.

Jake: I’ll explain everything, meet me now; middle of woods.


I sighed and showed Bridge the text. “Is he serious?” I nodded. “Well come on!” she pulled me off the bed.


* * *

I cannot believe I’m here. I’m in the middle of the woods and I’m alone. Bridge is in the outskirts of the woods waiting.

“Jake?” I called for the 3rd time tonight. Nothing.

“I knew I shouldn’t have-” I was cut off when I turned around to Jake. “You came.” He said shocked.

“Well yeah I did!” I said drifting my gaze to the ground.

“Listen, everything will make since once I tell you this okay and they’re will be no more secrets.” I rolled my eyes. “Swear?” “Swear!”

“What is this stupid secret?”

He scratched the back of his neck. Then his blue eyes connected with mine.

“Promise you won’t freak out?” “Why would I freak out?” I say backing away slowly.

“Alena please, don’t go if you don’t find out now- you may never like me again. As a boyfriend or best friend.” I sighed. “What is it McCall?”

“I’m a werewolf.” I looked around and started giggling. “You’re kidding me right?” “I knew you wouldn’t believe me.” “You’re serious?” I laughed.

“Yes babe.”

“Seriously this isn’t a Twilight movie lets just go home,” I turned around. “and just forget this even ha-” I was interrupted by a growl of an animal.

I turned around slowly to a gray wolf. “Oh, my, God.” I said before turning and running away. I tripped after 10 seconds.

I started to cry and tried to get up. A warm hand grabbed my arm. “Hey you okay?”

“Do I look like I’m okay?!” I screamed. “Get away from me you- beast!” I yelled.

“I’m not a beast. I’m protecting you people.” “From what?” “I’ll explain later. Bridget’s waiting. Can I stop by?” I nodded.

“Okay. Want me to walk you back?” I shook my head. I did not trust my voice right now. Between my leather jacket and long sleeve shirt I’m shivering. Either because of being scared or cold; maybe both.

“I’ll see you soon.” He said lifting me up. I ran towards the car and jumped in.

“So how was it?” I stayed silent. “Len? Len? Alena!” She yelled at me.

“I don’t know. He just told me something.” I shook my head. “What he tell you.”

“I can’t tell you.” “He told you the big dog secret didn’t he?” She said putting the car into gear.

I stared at her in disbelief. “What?” “Werewolf. He told you. I could hear it from here.”

“How in the world could you hear that?”

She stayed silent. “Bridget…” She sped up.

“Won’t freak out?” “My boyfriends a werewolf!” I yelled. “And you’re best friends a vampire.” She shrugged.

“What!?” I yelled. “Jee calm down would ya? Good hearing is still in a bit of a mode.” She said rubbing a finger in her ear.

“Are you going to kill me?” I asked. “Have I killed you yet?” “No.” “Then no.”

“Is they’re anymore mythical creatures I should know about?” “I heard there is still witches but I haven’t seen any.” I started hyperventilating.

“I’m going to go crazy.” I said as she pulled in my drive. “Please don’t. I feed tomorrow and I cannot stay up with you all night. Plus you’re boyfriends coming over and God only knows what you guys will do and-” “Bridget!” I screeched.

She laughed. “So you’re not scared?” “Not of you. You haven’t killed me since 4th grade I don’t think you would now. But really this is insane.”

“I know too much for one night. I wanted to tell you later or before but you’re so fragile Alena!” “Thanks for making me feel like a glass doll.” “Anyways, Jake’s here. I can smell the mutt from a mile away.” She said crinkling her nose.

“Great now you guys are enemies too?”

“Yeah um go inside.” She pushed me out. I walked in my house and jogged up to my room.

I opened my window then took off my jacket. I heard it close. “I wish you guys would’ve told me sooner.” He wrapped his arms around my waist.

“I know Lena-Bear I’m sorry.” “Any other secrets?” I asked turning around

“You’re my mate. You’ve read enough stories to know what that is.” “It’s a good thing right?” “It’s a great thing. And Lena-Bear?”

“Yes?” “I love you.” He said before pressing his lips to mine.

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