Miss Me Babe? (;

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“Hey you never told me what you were protecting us humans from?” I asked while Jake played with my hair. We were spooned on my bed.

“Um, too soon. You might freak out.” “My best friend’s a werewolf. And I’m his mate. Is there anything that can not freak me out now?” I laughed.

“You’re afraid of spiders.” He smirked laughing slightly.

“Shut up! Those things are like diseases with legs and poison!” I screeched. “I know. Just consider them as poison.”

“Them?” He groaned.

“My father. He is some kind of nut job. Wants to have the biggest pack in the Northern Hemisphere. I refused to join him after what he does.” “What does he do?”

“He kills mates. And sometimes just people. But mates have a purpose. You are usually depressed or angry without your mate. So if they killed you for instance, I’d become angry, uncontrollable. Have so much rage I could take out a school crowd in a matter of seconds.” His voice spoke with so much roughness it scared me.

“It gets worse. My mom, he said she was the only exception to the killings. Since he was her’s. But she found out what he did. You see my mom is the daughter of the Southern Hemisphere’s pack leader. And he’s good. So my mom figured it out while I was 9 months. So she left him. I’ve seen him a few times but not regularly. Everyone in his pack has no mate. I refuse to be in anyone’s pack. I won’t let them kill you. I’d kill myself.” He chuckled at the last sentence.

“Don’t say that! I couldn’t even think about you dying. Or me. Do you think they’ll come after me?” I asked afraid. He turned me over and pulled me close. “I would never let anyone hurt you.” He whispered.

“Any other stories?” I asked.

“He killed one of my girlfriends. Her name was Leila. I was just close with her and he thought she was my mate so he killed her. They never found her body like the others which is weird.”

“How’d he kill her?” “Made it look like a suicide.” My arms instantly went around my neck.

“Its not a big deal. He has no idea I’m here so you should be safe.” he kissed my nose. I crinkled it.

“Why do you do that?” He chuckled. “What?” I laughed.

“Crinkle your nose when I kiss it.” He smiled. “I don’t know you retard.” I shoved his shoulder.

He rubbed his shoulder, faking hurt.

“That hurt so much.” He smirked. I shoved him. He laughed and shook his head.

I slapped him and his head whipped to the side.

“Okay that hurt.” He said holding his cheek. I laughed and kissed him. He bit my lip and I moaned. I opened my mouth and his tongue explored my mouth.

“I just realized something.” He said pulling apart.

“What?” He got up and grabbed the rose from my dresser and a box of chocolate and got on one knee. I sat up and cocked my head to the side.

“Alena Santiago, will you be my girlfriend?” He said looking up to me with those beautiful blue eyes. “Awe.” I gasped.

“Will you?” He asked. I stood up and nodded. He dropped the rose and chocolates and wrapped his arms around my waist lifting me up. I giggled.

He laid me on my bed while kissing me.

“I love you Lena-Bear.” he said pushing a loose hair out of my face. “I love you Jakey.” I rolled my eyes.”

He chuckled and started kissing my neck. “What if my dad comes back?” “I guess I die.” He laughs. He starting biting it. “Ow!” I hissed clutching my neck. His head popped up.

“Jake did you bite me?” “Yeah but I did earlier?” “Look.” I moved my hand.

“Damn you’re bleeding!” He said stripping off his shirt. He dabbed it on my neck while I stared at his God given amazing body.

“You’re staring.” He winked. I blushed.

“There babe all clear.” He said tossing the white, blood stained shirt to the side. “What happened?” I asked.

“Its my fault.” He said roughly. “No its not.” “No it is Alena. Its my inner wolf. He got a bit carried away. He’s excited I guess.”

“Its okay.” I said resting a hand on his shoulder. “No its not.” I kissed him softly and of course he couldn’t resist. “Its not your fault.” I whispered. He smiled at me.

* * *

“Hey Bridge we still down for the mall?” I asked putting my phone between my ear and shoulder as I slipped on my jeans. Jake just left so I might as well make my day useful. “Yeah. Hey I made a new friend mind if she comes?”

“Sure.” I shrugged. I grabbed my keys and got in my car. “Ice-cream shop?” I asked backing out. “As always.” She said before hanging up.


Once I got there Bridget was sitting with a dark haired, green eyed girl. “Hi. I’m Leila.(pronounced like l-A-la) I’m new to the school and town and whatnot.” She extended her hand. I shook it awkwardly.

“Since she’s new I figured we’d do the nice thing and have her hang out with us.” Bridge nodded.

There’s something off about this chick.

“After this Leila said that she wants to show us her closet. Makes sure she has the style of the town or something.” Bridget shrugged eating her blueberry swirl ice-cream.

* * *

Her house is creepy. Like dungeons and dragons creepy. “Here’s my room.” It was a giant dungeon. Me and Bridget entered. “Its nice.” I turned around to a sound of a closing door.

“Ah you girls were easier than I gave you credit for.” She snickered.

“What are you doing?” Bridget hissed. “Oh capturing you. Wow vampires are stupid. So are humans but I would expect more from Bridget. Now I have something to hold over Jacob.” “Jacob? What does he have to do with this?” I asked hissed grabbing the cell bars.

                                                              “I’m his ex-girlfriend.” she smirked.


If I was reading this I would of went "Holy sh*t!!" Lol hope you guys liked it!

I needed a twist and I forgot I used this in a story on my laptop! And I have another and you guys kinda got a foreshadow of it so see if you can figure it out(;

I love you guys!



Only takes like 10 seconds if that!! So pretty please with a cherry on top with chocolate and 3 scoops with sprinkles(;

Lol bye guys :D

Oh and the song on the side is Crazy Ex-Girlfriend by Miranda Lambert! Love her! Imagin this is like how Leila feels. But Leila is more crazy than you know so far(;

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