One Thing

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I woke up and bumped into a rock-hard chest.

"Morning loser." Jake smirked. "Morning ugly." I mumbled. He laughed. He quickly fell on the floor and I questioned him with a look.

"Coming?" My dad asked. "Where?" I said turning around instantly.

"Store? Actually Walmart and you know how long we take in there." "Last time it was 6 hours and you said that was a minumum record." I groaned. "Right. Well Alina and the boys are coming. Also after we're going to the movies so we'll be gone until about 9? Maybe 10?" He asked.

I nodded. "You sure you don't want to come?" I nodded instantly. "No visiters besides Bridget. No boys, and deffinently no McCall." He scorned. "Okay." I nodded.

"I mean it! I'll call before I get home." He said before closing my door. Jake popped up.

"Wanna go to my house?" He asked, his brown hair flopping in front of his beautiful blue eyes.

I nodded and pushed him out the window so I could change. Once my dad left and I threw on cloth shorts and a T-Shirt.

I walked over to Jake's. Lilian gladly let me in. It also started to rain so she offered me a towel but I didn't accept since I wasn't really wet. I walked in Jake's room and he was playing Grand Theift Auto IV (4).

I sat next to him snatching the controler. "Hey!" He whined. I paused it and kissed him. Then I pulled away and started playing.

"You play?" He asked in disbelief. "Since I was 5." (A/N: No really I've been playing since I was 5 xD ik ik don't lecture me)

"Really?" he asked. I nodded in response.

"One on one?" He challenged picking up a controller. I laughed.

"What's the bet?" "You win then I'll strip. I win you strip." He winked.

I laughed. "Game on." I agreed shaking his hand.

*  *  *

"Yes!" I jumped up yelling. "I won! I won!" I yelled jumping up and down. "Yeah yeah.." Jake grumbled.

"You're so cute when your mad." I mimicked pinching his cheek. "Now get stripping." I whispered in his ear bursting into a fit of giggles.

He cursed under his breath and picked me up by my waist. I screamed and punched his back.

"Put me down Jake!" I said kicking and screaming. He threw me on the bed.

I laughed and sat up. He locked his door and turned to me.

He threw off his shirt at my face and I laughed.

He straddled me and smirked. "Would you like to do the honors?" I giggled and shook my head.

He shook his head and smiled. He sat up and removed his pants and he was just in boxers.

He climbed in bed with me and smirked. "I'm not stripping you can forget it pretty boy." I laughed. He faked hurt.

"Okay beautiful." He said kissing me. He wrapped an arm around my waist and make sure there was no space at all touching us.

"Guess what?" I asked. "Pick me!" Jake shot his hand up.

"Jake..?" "I love you." He smiled and straddled me and kissed me. I pushed him away by the shoulders and made a weird face. "Ew no why would I say that?" His face fell and I laughed.

"Shut up retard." He said pressing his lips to mine again.

"Hmm knock knock?" He asked. I laughed. "Who's there?" I said trying to control my laugheter. "I." "I who?" "I love you." He said sappily.

"I hate you." "I love you too Santiago." He chuckled.

"Shit what time is it?!" I jumped up. "Almost 9 why?" He asked. "Sorry I have to go my dad will be back by nine!" I yelled. He ran me downstairs.

I went to run out of the door but he pulled me into his chest by the waist and pressed his lips against mine. I pulled away and smiled running home.

I quickly went in my room and sighed when I saw no one was home. Now that I think of it I don't think Alina has slept in here?

"Gah shopping is so terrible!" Alina exclaimed bursting through the door.

"Why haven't you slept in here?" I asked. "Well I figured Jake needed a place too. I know Ariana." "About him being my best friend? That's obvious.." I smirked.

She smiled. "So I could sleep in this bed?" "Don't care." I shrugged.

*  *  *

"I'm never sleeping with her again." I told my dad grumbling.

"She's a kicker." He chuckled. "She's a karote student! I'm not sleeping with that blonde idiot anymore" I exclaimed. He narrowed his eyes.

"What have I always told you about the names? The kids follow that stuff!" "I said idiot big deal!" I yelled.

"Yes because they say that stuff and it looks bad on me!" "Whatever! It was just a word!" "Upstairs!" He yelled. I stalked off almost at tears. I'll cry later. Right now Alina had to go.

"Why are you crying?" Alina smirked. "I yawned blondie!" I shouted. She gasped and stomped off. Gah I don't care anymore.

All I wanted was Jake, my covers, and a bucket of Ben&Jerry's ice-cream.


Now Alena's dad isn't very good now is he? Gah I hate her dad!

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