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"ARE YOU F*CKING KIDDING ME?!" Bridget yelled.

"You're supposed to be dead!" I yelled.

"Remember when they couldn't find my body? Yeah they didn't kill me properly stupid bastards." She laughed. "How do they kill a- well whatever you are?" I asked.

"Tell you? Psh I'm not that pathetic." She rolled her eyes.

"No you really are. Capturing us. Why did you capture us anyway?" "Witches and vampires are also enemies. And you, Alena Santiago I have nothing to hold against. Except you're the mate of the love of my life." She shrugged.

"After all the years you're still in love with Jake?" I smirked.

"After all you're years and you're supposedly in love with your child hood best friend? I mean you took baths with this guy and you're dating him? Bleh." She shakes her head. "But it was nice to see it." She bit her lip.

"What are you talking about?" I asked my blood boiling.

"Oh he didn't tell you sweetheart-" Again with that word! "We were each other's first." She smiled a beaming smile. Her green eyes hinted in entertainment

"You're lying." I said breathing unevenly.

"No hun I'm not." "Really? Because I've seen to picked up that you twitch you're right eyebrow when you lie." Bridget said staring intensely.

Leila rolled her eyes and stalked off.

"We have to get out of here." I said. "Alena! Hello! I know that! Um, oh right! Jake! He's got to know something right?!"


"Where the hell is she?!" I yelled pacing my kitchen as my mother sliced the lettice for dinner.

"Calm down I'm sure she's fine." "Fine?! She's missing mother! Who knows what happened?!" I yelled.

She put down the knife and scorned.

"I'm sorry mom." I said sliding a hand down my face.

"I'm sure you'll find her." She said putting a hand on my arm.

"If I don't?!" "I'll stop nagging. Come on hun she's with Bridget not a- witch." She laughed at the last sentence.

I scanned the word through my mind.

"F*ck!" I said running out.


"How much time does it take him to damn find you?!" Bridget complained.

At the same time Jake burst through the door.

"Well damn." Bridget said crossing her arms.

Jake sighed and quickly pulled the railings off and led us out.

"Well where are we going exactly?" Leila asked.

"Let it go Leila! We were over when my dad killed you. Yes! I loved you once but I love Alena now. She's my mate. Face it! I don't belong with a witch!"

"Talk about the wicked witch of the west." I mumbled to Bridget.

"Shut up." She shot at me. "Have you even bit her yet?" Leila crossed her arms.

"She has a tad chance of turning." Jake said. "Turning into what?" Leila asked. Bridget couldn't help it.

"Into a fairy what do you think dumbass?!" She shot. I bit my lip to cover my laughter. "I can easily have someone bite her therefore she isn't claimed yours." Leila smirked.

"No. I'm doing it tonight. She's mine." He growled. "Possessive much?" Leila laughed.

"Not for you thankfully." He retorted. "You're still the same ass I remember before dying!" "How did you even live?!" "Didn't kill me write stupid sons of bitches." She laughed.

"Now we can do this the easy way or the hard way." Jake said. "Come on babe you know I like it hard." She smiled throwing an arm around him. "I never slept with you. And since you choose hard; Bridget." He said queuing Bridget to attack her.

She attacked her to the floor. Jake's eyes flashed gold and he bared his teeth.

"Bite her neck!" Bridget yelled.

"WHAT!? NO!!" Leila said trying to wiggle out of Bridget's grasp. Jake growled like a wolf before biting her neck Leila started smoking, literally.

"I hope all 3 of you go to hell." "I won't be seeing you there!" I waved.

She screamed until Bridget snapped her neck. She lay unconscious. "What if she's alive?" I ask.

"No. Jake bit her neck. That means that he killed her right. They must have bit her wrong." Bridget rolled her eyes.

"Now what the hell is this biting me thing?" I asked with my arms crossed. "We'll talk about that later." Jake said his eyes flashing back.

We heard cracking and looked down. "I have assets Jake. She won't live long." Leila said before dying on the floor with her eyes open. Jake put a hand on my lower back and led me out of the house that scared the living shit out of me.


That's it babes! Did you guys watch Teen Wolf?! OMFG IT WAS AMAZAYN (1D <3)

Well that's why it took so long! And I watcheed it in different parts! But it was great! Part 2 tomorrow night so hopefully update in a day give or take! <3 Night guys its like 3:14 am right now so tired & hungry! Lol bye guys(=

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