Chapter 5: The northern queen I

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Alys POV

303 AC

When I escaped home, I was very happy to have encountered Jon, who was now the new king in the north, he asked me.for my hand, he say it because he love me, I was so happy to hear that, also the title of king belong to Sansa Stark, no matter what, all the northerners followed Jon when he showed them the will of Robb Stark, even more people follow him when he said the title didn't belong to him, but to his true born siblings. So what now?, I asked Jon.

We take back Winterfell, Jon said no matter what, no matter how many man we have, we will take it back and the Boltons will know the meaning of Winter.

Your grace, said lord Glover, king Gendry Baratheon is here to talk to you, whover he is.

Gendry Baratheon?, I repeated, who is that.

I received a letter from him an dmy sister Arya, Jon said, apperanly, Ramsay married a fake.

So Ramsay never married a Stark?, I asked, it was a fake wedding all along.

Yes, Jon said, you may be asking how do I know this?, well, she also write on the letter, saying I gift her a sword and the name of the sword is needle, only she would know that, lets them in. As soon as I saw Gendry Baratheon and his wife Arya Stark enter the tent, there was silence, as Gendry looked like Robert Baratheon and Arya looked or supposedly looked like Lyanna Stark. Arya and Jon immediately hug each other.

I though you were a member of the Night Watch!, said Arya, how?.

Your uncle Brynden exchange my freedom, Jon said, so he is a member of the Night Watch and the lord commander, do I guess your also queen of the north.

No, Arya said, you are king in the north, I am queen Arya Baratheon of Storm's end, I am renouncing my claim to you.

Arya, said Jon, I can't accept that.

You will, said Arya, Robb made you his heir and you have to make sure his last wish comes true.

Okay, Jon said, okay, unless Sansa appears.

You love her as a sister, Arya said, even when she treat you like garbage?.

Even with that, Jon said, she will always be my sister, no matter what she did. A guard then entered.

A letter for you, your grace, he said, Jon took the letter.

The Arryns sigil, Jon said, I wonder why would they wrote to me, he then proceed to opened.

Dear brother:

I heard the rumors of Robb making you his heir?, I am glad about that, well here in the vale things have been great, since the man who betrayed our father was executed, Peter Baelish, but before he was executed, I married Harold Harddying, we then proceed to declare independence, following Arya's example, I am queen of the Vale and you have the support of the vale, take back our home, I will be riding north to meet you.

PD: I am giving my claim of Winterfell to you, brother, as I am queen of another kingdom now.

The kingdoms are becoming independent, I said, one by one, soon the Iron Throne will became nothing.

Good, said Jon, fuck the Iron Throne and everything that represents, my father died under false crimes of treason. Time to take back our home sister and make the Boltons feel the wrath of winter.

Your grace, said a guard, a rider is approaching.

Who is it?, Jon asked.

Jaime Lannister, said the guard.

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