Chapter 12: The northern queen II

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Alys POV

Year 305 AC

Winterfell was in ruins, burned up, it will take years before it could be restore to what it was, we gathered eveyone at the great hall, the storm lords, the knights of the Vale, the northern lords and the wildlings, there were some Night Watch members too, Jon, I said, what's going on?, as I got close to the doors of the great hall.

The wight has arrived, Jon said, be ready, is not something I want to show you, but your from the north and your my wife, people need to be ready for what's coming.

I believe you, I said, if you said  the walkers are back, I believe you.

Thank you, Jon said. As we enter the great hall and sitted along side rulers of the Storm Lands and the rulers of the Vale.

King Jon, said a Vale lord, why are the wildlings here?.

I will get to that, Jon said, first I want to thank both my sisters for the help, as well as their husbands. Now for the why the willings are here, my friend here Edisson Tollet will tell you exactly why. Eddisson Tollet then came with someone, who was chain up and his head covered. Jon stood up and went to where his friend was, he drew a small dagger. Can someone tell me, do you recognize this material?, as he show the dagger to everyone.

That is dragonglass, said a northern lord.

Yes, Jon said, it is and is only of the two ways you can kill this things, as he went to the hooded man and remove the bag.

Seven hells!, said Jaime Lannister

What hell is that?, asked a knight of the Vale

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What hell is that?, asked a knight of the Vale.

A wight, Jon said, one of more than one hundred thousand.

What?, said Jaime Lannister, you kidding, right?.

No, said Jon, there is also White Walkers, those are the real danger, they can only be killed by Dragonglass or this, as he drew his sword, Longclaw.

Valeyan steel, said Jaime Lannister, like this one, as he drew his sword

Widows wail, said Sansa.

Yes, said Jon, question ser Jaime, where did you get that sword?. The kingslayer took a depth breathe.

It's made from your father's blade, Ice, said Jaime Lannister, my father melted down and well, two swords came out of it, the other, is at the hands of Brianne of Tarth.

Oath keeper, Brianne said, I fullfill my oath, she said, so I return the sword to the family, as she put the blade on the table.

As do I, said Jaime Lannister, is not mine, it never will be, the same as Brianne, he put the blade besides his twin.

Thanks, said Jon, for returning Ice to us, Gendry, can you change the pommels for a grey and grey with white wolves?.

Sure, said Gendry, who will you give them too?.

For Sansa and Arya, said Jon, they may gave me Winterfell when I didn't wanted, but they have right to have Ice.

No, said Sansa, I prefer bow and arrow, give it to Alys.

Sansa, I said, that sword is your right.

I know, said Sansa, but I prefer to give it to you, my sister in law.

Your grace, said a lord Mandarly, you where saying that dragonglass kill that that thing.

Ohh, right, sorry, Jon said, Edd can you pass me your sword?.

Sure, said Edd, this things, are dangerous, they won't die easy, Jon then proceed to cut off the creature's hand, Jon give back the sword to Edd.

We can kill them by burning them, Jon said. As he proceed to throw the hand to the fire, the creature started to move; like it was feeling pane. And as I said before, we can killed them with dragonglass, we are only three of seven kingdoms, only three are united, the others are divided, we if don't united the seven kingdoms, Bravos and Essos, that, poiting at the dead creature, is the fate of every person in the world, he proceed to stabbed the creature with dragonglass, the creature fell down death. There is only one war that matters, the great war and it wil come, that is why we need to train everyone, ten to sixty, every boy and girl, men and woman, they need to learn how to defend themselves, the rule that says women can use weapons won't work in this times.

Well, said Gendry, I will send word right now.

Me too, said Harold Harding, we can't let the dead win, this is not about noble houses anymore, is about the living and dead.

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