Chapter 14: The broken lion III

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Jaime POV

Year 304

King Jon Stark of the north, his sister Arya, queen of the storm lands  and  his other sister, queen Sansa of the Vale, send me to retake Riverrum and kill Walder Frey, they gave me five hundred northerners, one hundred and fifty storm land soldiers and one hundred knights of the Vale. And here I thought they forgiven you, Greyjoy, I said to Theon Greyjoy.

Ohhh, they did, he answered, only they don't trust you enough with tue mission and as lord commander of the Winter Guard, is my duty to see you kill that weasel of Walder Frey.

I figure that much, I said, oh well, let's go then, before the army decides to kill me. As we come closer to Riverrum, a group of riders with Freys sigils appeared.

Stand your business here, say one of the Frey soldier's.

Take back what you took from the Tullys said Theon, as he shoot an arrow into the eye of one of the Frey soldier. Before the other Frey could react, Theon Greyjoy shoot another arrow that hit the heart of the soldier.

Hide the bodys, said Theon, take the clothes and wear them, we will take Riverrum by impersonating these weasels.

You know, said a north man, you just gain my trust once more Greyjoy, I know what your planning.

Good, Theon said, then lets kill some Freys, when we have enough uniforms, we take back RiverRum. After killing a fifty more Frey, a group mix of storm soldiers, knights of the Vale and northman put the clothes of the Freys soldiers and we went to Riverrum, Theon make himself look like a prisoner, a long with some northman, I was guide to where we were about to ambush the Freys holding RiverRum.

Who goes there?, asked a Frey soldier?.

Jaime Lannister, I said, I capture some prisoners on way here.

Really?, asked the guard, come in then, they fell for it, as soon as they lower the bridge, our men disguise as them, attack, we won easy, to attack the Twins, was more easy, as we did the same, we killed every male and female responsible for the red wedding, Theon kill Walder Frey himself and then beahead him.

For my brother, said Theon, justice for the red wedding.

Justice for the red wedding!, said the northerners.

Lets burn down this curse castle, said a knight of the Vale.

Let's do it, I said, not stone must survive.

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