Chapter 18: The wolf brother meets the dragon brother I

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Aegon POV

Year 304

I saw the Stark, Arryn and Baratheon sigils from my room at dragon stone, they took long enough to come here, I said to Dany.

Well, they have to talk to their lords, she answered, Rhaegal is behaving strange, like he is eager to meet our newly found family member.

Is funny how Jon Stark is a Targaryen, I said, he could have ask his friends to kneel to him and then fight for the Iron Throne, but he didn't.

Because, he is not interested in southerner politics, said Tyrion, he hates the south, Ned Stark was his adoptive father and my bastard nephew executed him on false charges of treason.

Tyrion, said Jorah, is better If he doesn't see you, he may he hates all Lannisters , for what your father did,

I know, said Tyrion, everyone hates us Lannister's, even those who weren't involve in the red wedding,, I curse my father every day, our name was already marked for what happened at the sack of kings landing, now, is worse. everyone talks about that atrocity.

Go Tyrion, I said, receive them, don't asked for weapons, lets gain their trust.

Are you sure Aegon?, said Jon Comigton.

Yes, I said, I am sure, after a few minutes, Jon Stark, Harold Arryn and Gendry Baratheon entered, accompany them were nine men, three for each of their houses.

This is Jon Stark, king in the north, second of his name, the white wolf, This is king Gendry Baratheon, first of his name and this is king Harold Arryn, first of his name, said a young man,, Yara came out of her hiding and spoke:

Theon?, said Yara Greyjoy, is that you?.

Hello Yara, said Theon, nice to see you again.

Why are you wearing Stark colors?, asked Yara.

I am lord commander of the king guard of Jon Stark., Theon said.

What?, said Yara, did he make you do this?.

No, Theon said, he offered me the job, I accepted as my chance of redemption.

Redemption?, Yara said, of what?.

For betraying my real family, said Theon, is more than I deserve.

Your a Greyjoy, said Yara.

Yes, Theon said, and I am Stark, my real father was Eddard Stark of Winterfell. With this words Yara got angry, she went to king Jon, only to be stopped by Theon.

One move and your dead, he said.

Enough, I said, Yara, come here, he already decided his side. She just looked at me and exit the throne room. Sorry about that, she is sensible, know to business, kneel,

No, said the three at the same time, we didn't come here to kneel, but look for an alliance.

For what?, asked Jon Commigton.

To fight the White Walkers, said Jon Stark, saw them, I fought them and I kill one even.

White walkers?, asked Tyrion, the legendary creatures of beyond the Wall.

We have proof, said Gendry Baratheon, beware, this not a thing for anyone to see.

It will scare you, said Theon, and bring you nighmares.

I am a dragon I said, I don't get scared.

Neither do I, said Dany.

Bring it Theon, said Jon Stark.

Right away your grace, said Theon Greyjoy. after a few moment, he appeared with a chain hooded person, with horrible clothes.

You have slaves?, said Dany said, free him, immediately!

You heard her, Theon, said Yara who appeared again, free that slave.

Do it, said Jon Stark, Theon, then remove the hood and the chain at the same time. MIsssindai and Daenarys screamed, Yara drew her sword as fast as she could, the creature, that was very much dead was going towards me and Dany, but was stopped by Theon Greyjoy, when he grabbed the chains and pull him down, the creature, stood up and run towards Theon, who proceed to cut the creature in two.

Seven hells!!!!!, the thing is still alive!, said Jon Commigton, as the half body was crawling towards him, Theon the proceed to cut off an hand of the creature, ,my half brother then grabbed, as Gendry Baratheon turn a torch on.

We can killed them by burning them, said my brother, as he proceed to burn the hand. I notice the creature felt that, And we can destroy them with dragonglass, he then proceed to drew a small dagger, if we don't band our together, as allies, then t our fate is sealed, because that is the destiny of every person in the world, he then proceed to stabbed the creature with his dagger, the dead thing stopped moving. There is only one war that matters, the great war and it is here.

How many are they?, asked Jon Commigton.

At least one hundred thousand, said Jon Stark, that is what I saw at Hard home, not to mention the five or seven white walkers, those are the most dangerous ones, they can only be killed with dragon glass or with this, as he drew his sword.

Valeryan steel?, I asked.

Yes, said my half brother.

If you kneel, said Dany, we will help you after we defeat the mad queen.

By that time, we will all be dead, said Gendry, we don't have time for that, the rangers at castle black say they are coming.

Kneel or return home with us enemies, I said.

So be it, said Jon Stark, I knew this was useless, lets go.

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