Chapter 6 : The king and queen of the Storm lands II

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Arya POV

303 AC

Jaime Lannister ?, I repeated, why is the kingslayer here?.

Sure to kill us, said Gendry, as their family slaughter our family.

But alone?, Jon said, that is a suicide mission, even for him.

Let's talk to him, said Gendry, what do we lose?, he has to answer for his crimes, not to mention we need men to fight the Boltons in a few hours.

Guard, said Jon, lets him in, prepare bread and salt for our new guest, let's remind this lion that we respect the tradition of guest right, not like his father. Few minutes later, Jaime Lannister entered, he wasn't wearing any armor, only normal clothes and he was missing his fighting hand, as there was a solid gold hand in replacement.

King slayer, said Alys.

You look familiar, said Jaime Lannister.

Is because you murder my brothers, Alys said.

You must be Alys Karstark, said Jaime Lannister, look, it was war and if I recall, your father killed two innocent boys as retaliation.

Enough, said Jon, tell me why shouldn't I execute you for pushing my brother from the broken tower, for attacking my father, for killing Jory, for killing my father.

I didn't kill your father, said Jaime Lannister.

But your bastard did it, I said, he ordered.

Arya Stark?, Jaime Lannister, how?.

I survive, I said, and I am queen now, queen of Stormend.

Okay, Jaime Lannister, I did horrible things that I regret, but I didn't know where to go, my sister put a price on my head.

Your sister?, said Gendry, the same you fuck for the last twenty three years?, why?.

Because I called her mad, Jaime Lannister, because it took me all those to realize my sister has gone mad with power.

It take you twenty three years?, I asked, it took me one day to realize that, when that bitch ordered the death of Lady!.

You attack the prince!, Jaime Lannister said.

I defended myself, I said, he attack me!, Nymeria defended me!.

Enough!, said Jon and Gendry.

King Jon, King Gendry, said a guard, lady knight, a girl and Theon Greyjoy have appeared.

What?, said Jon very angry, Theon Greyjoy???.

Lady knight?, said Jaime Lannister.

Let them in, said Alys, we will deal with the turncoat. When they make the lady knight pass, it was a very ugly woman and very tall as well, the girl I recognize ae Jeyne Poole and Theon Greyjoy, only he look broken. Jon couldn't control himself and grabbed Theon by the neck.

Tell me Theon, said Jon, tell me one reason why I shouldn't kill you right now an avenge Bran and Rickon, tell me why a scumback like you should breathe, while Bran and Rickon are gone!, tell me!.

I didn't kill those boys!, said Theon.

Those boys where Bran and Rickon, said Jon, they were like brothers to you, you piece of shit!.

They weren't Bran and Rickon!, said Theon then, I couldn't find them, I kill some farm boys and burn their body's, I am sorry, Jon, the Umbers sold Rickon to the Boltons.

What?, said Ned Umber, who was there, he did what?.

Who are you?, asked Theon.

I am Ned Umber, Ned answered, my father sold Rickon?, but he was supposed to bring him here.

You knew?, said Theon.

Ned Umber told us he was at his home at Last Heart, he didn't want to bring him here yet, as it was too dangerous.

I am so sorry, your grace, said Ned Umber, I will accept any punishment you will give me.

You will not be punish, Jon said, you are declare lord of Last Heart immediately.

Also, said Theon, the Kartstarks have join Ramsay.

What?, said Alys, the curse my stupid brother!.

So we have half the army of the Kartstarks and Umbers with us and the other half with Ramsay, said Gendry.

Alys, what so we do?, Jon asked his wife.

I don't know, said Alys, my brother betray us, why?, why would he do that?.

He wants revenge, said Theon, for the murder of your father at the hands Robb.

He killed two innocent boys, said Alys, I know that now.

Well, need to plan our battle plans, said Jon, Theon, here is your chance for redemption, tell us what do you know of Ramsay.

What?, I said, Jon, you should execute him!.

No, said Jon, he help Jeyne escape and he deserves a chance, but first answers this Theon, do you want us to send word to your father that your here?.

My father lost his head on kingslanding, said Theon, his name was Eddard Stark, former lord of Winterfell and warden of the North.

Good answer, said Jon.

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