Dog And Hair Problems

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Carlos begged Ellie to come help him out with Ben. Ellie groans and tags along, she is wearing just black running shorts, black tennis shoes, and a dark green t-shirt. Her hair was pulled back into a ponytail.

As she arrives to help Carlos with wind sprints with the prince, she sees Ben speaking with Dorian. He was dressed normal compared her to, Carlos, and Ben who were ready to run.

"Hi, Ellie. Carlos mentioned that you were coming to help." Ben said to her with a smile.

Ellie smiles, "I do my best."

Dorian looks at her, "So what are you helping with, huh?"

Ellie motions to the field, "Is it obvious? I'm helping Carlos with his sprints."

Dorian seemed less impressed.

"Carlos was mentioning that you're one of the fastest girls he's ever known." Ben said.

Ellie shrugs, "I don't know with Jay's long hair he could be a girl if he wants." She added in.

Ellie found Carlos stretching so she headed over to him to stretch. Dorian watched Ellie walk off to Carlos, Ben went to follow but Dorian grabbed his arm.

"Dude," Dorian said, "I don't think we should trust them."

Ben turns, "You sound like Chad and Audrey."

Dorian frowns, "They have a good point. They're villains."

Ben and Dorian looked over at Carlos and Ellie, the two were laughing among each other. Ellie lightly shoves Carlos and he tries in return but falls face first into the grass. Which made them laugh harder.

"They look like anyone else here," Ben said.

Dorian got frustrated, "But- Ben, on the night when the museum alarm went off I saw them running back to the dorms."

Ben turns to Dorian, "Look, they may or may not have been involved in it. But who cares, nothing was stolen. If they wanted to steal something they would've done it." Ben said.

Dorian frowns, "I sure hope you're right, Ben."

Ben nods, "Of course I'm right. Now if you don't mind, Dorian, I have a de Evil to train." He said.

Carlos sees Ben coming over. So Ellie motions for him to head a bit back  on the field to begin practice.

"Okay. Carlos, we're gonna do some sprints." Ben said and turns to Ellie, "Afterwards we'll have you and Carlos do sprints together to see if Carlos will run fast."

Ellie gives him a thumbs up, "Alright." She said and sat down.

Ben turns to Carlos, "You ready?"

Carlos nods but then he sees and hears the sound of a dog barking. Carlos then starts running and screaming with his arms in the air. Ellie quickly rose to her feet.

"Carlos!" Ellie yells.

Ben didn't even notice Carlos running fearful, "Sweet," He looks up , "Carlos!"

Ben and Ellie watch as Carlos screams as this mutt of a dog runs after him, Carlos had ran into the woods. Ellie was the first to run after him and Ben was right behind her.

"Carlos!" Ellie yells as she enters the woods.

Ben appeared next to her, "Carlos!"

"Ellie! Ben! Somebody help me!" Carlos yells.

Ellie and Ben ran to the source and there was Carlos dead gripping a tree and the dog was below him just sitting and watching the young boy. Ellie took a few steps back.

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