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beforehand i just wanna say thank you for over 500 reads in like, less than a few weeks lol

also bet I fooled you all with the title, thinking I was asking you to vote on which prompt was the best

this got relatively popular super quickly and i'm just happy you all enjoy my content!

a little rushed but i tried :)



Prompt: (a few prompts that i thought would be cute.)

Imagine person B of your OTP wearing person A's clothes.

Person B is reeaaaaaally tired, but Person A is super, super energetic and loud. Trying to get Person A to shut up, Person B kisses Person A.

Person A leaving thigh hickeys on person B.

Imagine Person B of your OTP seeing Person A with bed hair for the first time, and being totally blown away by how cute/hot/etc. they look with their hair being a huge mess. Bonus: if Person B gets flustered when Person A pokes fun at them for liking it. (Kind of gave up on adding this one but meh)

Eddie: Bottom (B)

Richie: Top (A)

they're prolly about 16-18 in this

(October 21st, 1:08 PM)


"Richie! Please!" Eddie whined tiredly, childishly stomping his foot against the carpet. Richie snickered in response and rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest afterwards.

"Please? Please what?" He teased.

Eddie huffed and crawled over to his boyfriend, hooking his legs over the taller male's hips and hoisting himself up onto his lap. Richie froze, Eddie continued. He laced his arms around Richie's neck and leant in close, his lips brushing the other's. Unlike Richie, Eddie was only wearing his boxers as he'd just gotten out of the shower but didn't have a change of clothes, so a nearly-naked Eddie on top of him made Richie denying him of whatever he wanted a lot harder.

"Please may I borrow one of your sweaters?" He purred, tilting his head to the side and biting his lip, taking note of the way Richie visibly gulped.

"S-sure, of course... Yeah." He mumbled, almost nervously. Eddie, who wasn't usually so forthcoming, was quite proud of himself. He pecked Eddie's lips and then hopped off, allowing the other boy to straight(haha yeah right)en himself out and then get a hoodie from his wardrobe, which he did.

Once he'd retrieved it, Eddie slipped the light blue material over his thin and bare - aside from his underwear - body. While Eddie was quite short, Richie wasn't super tall so it just reached Eddie's thighs.

He wandered back over to Richie's bed after closing the window and the door, sliding into the bed and laying next to a very-awake Richie.


Richie glanced down at Eddie who just seemed to want to lay down and go to bed, but Richie wasn't having it.

He tapped Eddie's shoulder repeatedly until the smaller one let out a groan and turned around. Richie rolled over and straddled him, gently placing his hands on the other male's chest. Eddie opened his eyes and glanced up at the more energetic one who just seemed to be buzzing.

Reddie OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now