"Baby, keep your voice down."

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Prompt #19
"Baby, keep your voice down."

shorter than usual ;-; soz

6th of November, 8:10 am

Richie huffed in mock annoyance, glancing over to Eddie and whilst leaning back into the pillows of his bed which Eddie had just so conveniently insisted on sharing with him.

Richie, Eddie, Bill, Stan, Mike, Ben, & Beverly had gone on a road trip, but eventually gave up and stopped at a cheap motel before they went back to Derry.

The original plan was to go out on an adventure, but Eddie had freaked out and quickly claimed that he was sick, meaning Richie had insisted they go no further as 'no one could do anything to hurt his Eddie Spaghetti.' Everyone grudgingly agreed knowing that when t came to Eddie, nothing was changing Richie's mind.

Eddie wasn't actually sick, he just didn't want to go and had waited until the very last possible moment to say something to Richie and Richie had suggested illness as an excuse. Eddie was always 'sick' anyway so it hadn't come as much of a surprise to anyone.

What would most definitely come as a surprise to them all, however, was being awoken by the sound of moans flooding and slipping past the doorway of Eddie and Richie's shared room.

Small snickers left Richie at the thought of everyone holding their pillows over their heads, but Eddie had quite literally begged Richie to have sex with him even though they'd agreed on no sex on the trip, but Richie was easy to convince. Especially when it was a naked, hard Eddie pouting on top of him.

"Richie!" Eddie whined, crossing his arms over his frail chest and stomping his foot quietly on the ground. Richie didn't pay attention to him, readjusting his glasses as he moved on to the next page of his book.

"Pay attention to me-ee!" He pleaded, dragging out the 'e'. Richie grinned, glancing up but not noticing that Eddie was quite literally naked considering the poor lighting of their shared room.

"I'm reading, Eds. It's late, and we agreed to not have sex on the trip because—" Eddie cut him off.

"Yeah, I'm loud, I get it! But don't you want me?" He asked cutely, sauntering his way over to where Richie laid on their bed. He pushed the book out of his hands and made his way up the other until their bodies were pressed together and Eddie's tip had managed to dampen a small spot on Richie's shirt.

The freckled boy's mouth opened agape and he stared at his boyfriend, naked, atop him. His hands instinctively moved upwards to rest on Eddie's round globes and he cupped them, giving the skin a slight squeeze.

An innocent-esque gasp fell from Eddie's lips and he hid himself in Richie's neck, biting it.

"I thought you loved hearing my sounds," Eddie paused and Richie dreaded what came next. "—daddy."

Richie frowned and pressed his fingers further into the soft flesh that made up Eddie's ass. They were well aware of how 'daddy' affected Richie, just as much as 'baby girl' and 'baby boy' affected Eddie.

Eddie used it to get what he wanted, and right now he wanted to be fucked.

"Of course I do, baby boy— you've been naughty, though." He began. "Coming out while I'm trying to read, interrupting me, getting your cum all over my shirt." He started listing things off and Eddie could only pale, writhing himself against Richie in an attempt to not only egg him on but get some friction. He'd literally been hard for the past hour or so and had tried to get rid of it, but it was near impossible without Richie's assistance.

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