"Baby, I'm On The Phone."

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Richie laid back down on the bed after tugging up his pants, flopping into the covers and pulling the blankets over his body.

He flinched at the loud crack of thunder that sounded above him.

He was waiting for Eddie to come to bed, but he was currently in the shower singing his lungs out.

Eddie was a quiet boy, but if there was ever a time where hat trait was destroyed and crushed into he ground to let his inner, loud demon out, it was in the shower.

Granted, Richie was usually in there with him but sometimes he was singing too.

Richie chuckled softly to himself, switching one of their two bedside table lights off to snuggle in bed. He was about halfway to drifting off to sleep when his phone began to ring.

He groaned and flipped over onto his side, grabbing his phone from the table and holding it up to his ear. He didn't bother checking who was calling him. "Hello?" Richie asked groggily.

"Richie!" Eddie's mother exclaimed, making Richie raise his brows and sit up straight, holding his covers close as it was actually quite cold and Richie had chosen not to put on a suitable shirt for such weather.

"Mrs. Kaspbrak? What do you need?"

"Oh, Richie!" The woman sounded desperate, but then again she was such an ass that Richie didn't really care. "You know how my baby—"his baby, not hers. "—gets when there's a storm. I just wanted to make sure you had everything was under control. Is he alright? Does he need me? May I speak to him? Why aren't you with him?" She spat quickly.

Richie rolled his eyes. "Actually Mrs. Kaspbrak, Eddie is just in-"


Oh no.

Eddie ran out of the bathroom, flailing. Richie believed it was because of all the thunder and rain padding against the roof of their home, but his mind changed when he saw Eddie.

The small boy was nude, dripping wet, with a boner slapped up against his flat stomach. Richie blinked furiously and glanced up at his boyfriend's pale red face.

"I was showering but now I'm horny and I need you nowww!" Eddie whine-yelled, and Richie could only smirk.

"Baby, I'm on the phone." He said gently, holding the phone away from his face.

Eddie huffed impatiently and brattily. "I don't care!" He said, stomping over. See when Eddie got horny and was rejected - or just got told at all - he turned into a bit of a brat.

"Give me the fucking phone, I'll deal with them." He spat, snatching the phone away from Richie, who was grinning like a Cheshire cat.

He held it up to his ear.


Eddie's eyes widened and his mouth opened in a soft croak, his cheeks heating up like Christmas. "M-mommy?"

By now, Richie was dying on the floor.

After a bit of explaining and pouting, Eddie was finally able to hang up and put the phone back on the table.

"Richie! Why would you do that?" He complained.

Richie laughed. "Me? I didn't do anything! I wasn't the one who came out asking - no, demanding sex." He snickered, shaking his head.

Eddie scoffed. "Whatever."

Richie rolled his eyes. "I'm not gonna help you anyway." He shrugged. "I'm tired." He crawled up onto the bed and switched the light off, and within a few minutes he was nearly asleep.

He felt the bed dip beside him and could hear the slight sound of skin moving on skin, but didn't really think much of it as it was considerably quieter than the rain outside.

And then he heard it.

"M-mm... Richie."


thank you guys so, so, so much for over 10k reads. also, @XxJacksieTheKillerXx , I'm glad you enjoy my content but I'd be even gladder if you could stop making weird fucking threads in the comments~

also vote for a smutty part 2 lmao

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