Happy Birthday

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wtf nearly 1k???


Prompt/Request: Birthday Sex. Eddie and Richie are a couple and Eddie nearly never wants to have sex just because that's how he feels. Richie is patient with him.

short? also PLEASE remember to vote! ⭐️

(October 25, 11:09 PM )


Eddie bounced his leg nervously, his fingers drumming along his thigh as he contemplated picking up his phone and doing the one thing his mind had been nagging him about for the past hour.

He had an idea. He didn't know if it was a good idea, but it was an idea nonetheless.

Richie's birthday was coming up and he was turning a grand 17. Not to mention they hadn't had sex in a while, so what better present than that?

Eddie wasn't sure. He knew that Richie got ecstatic whenever Eddie was in the mood (though Richie himself was fairly sure that Eddie had any idea how happy he actually got.), but he just wasn't sure if it was a good enough birthday present.

Neither of the boys had the highest self esteem, so Eddie giving himself to Richie rather than an actually present was a big step. Plus, Eddie had bought a few... Other, kinkier things to go along with this.

Sure, Richie would thank the gods, but Eddie didn't know that.

After a good 20 more minutes, Eddie gave up and picked up his phone, quickly typing a message out to his boyfriend who had just been waiting for something to do on the Friday of his birthday-eve.

To: Richie ❤️🗑

is it cool if I stay over tomoz? i know u wanted to spend ur birthday with me (not because I'm a narcissist or anything but bcoz u told me) and I got out of going to the spa with mom. it's totally gud if u don't want to or if ur busy or something but I got u a present and I want to give it to u b4 mom finds it but it's totally okay if u don't wanna xxx

Eddie sent the message and couldn't help but stress. Had he sent to much? Too little? Should he maybe have added only one or two hearts?

"Oh god, he probably thinks I'm a psycho..." He mumbled to himself, chewing on his lip nervously while watching the screen and reading over anything he might've done wrong which in his mind was everything.

Richie, however, was sitting on his bed and snickering softly at the essay his boyfriend (of 2 years might I add so he really had nothing to stress about) had sent him. In reality he just needed to say 'could I stay over tomorrow?'.

Richie could imagine it now, Eddie gently rocking back and forth on his bed or on the floor with his phone clutches tightly in his hand, watching as the 'read at 5:21pm' popped up on his screen, as well as the three little bubbles that signifies Richie had begun typing.

To spite him further, Richie took about 4 minutes writing his response.

To: Eds ❤️👰🏽

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