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College, 3rd July 2017"you okay buddy? Seems little bit pale" Yoshi Ask me

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College, 3rd July 2017
"you okay buddy? Seems little bit pale" Yoshi Ask me. Why I look like zombie. Even tho I already had my breakfast.

"I did?" make sure I'm looking fine.

"seriously, you look pale. Need to medical room? I can take you there" I'll be fine. I guess. No need to medical room either.

"No, I'm fine" then he stop in front of me.

"I insist" then he took my hand.

"h-hey! I said I'm fine!" I little bit yelled at him.

"stop talking, I'm taking you there" why he force me like this?! I don't lik- "because I Care about you" I suddenly stop talk. He never failed to surprised me by his words. " please" he added.

"f-fine.." I said slowly.

"thank you." And he smile.

After from medical room, or course i thanked him. And is it just me or He's acting weird too. Since he said 'Because I care about you' weird.. and now he act like nothing happen. I'm kinda blushing but, why should i? ugh.. don't like this.

"I'll go to get you some food. You go to class. Wait there" he coldly to me.

"okay.." just do what he want to do.

After class dismiss, I straightly walk home. I didn't even need food for dinner.. or maybe I cook something. I don't know.. why and I don't know what I feel today. He act so different.. is he.. no. I cant think him on that way. Please be Positive way. Maybe he just concern about my condition? Well, I guess. But he seems so.. different. Totally. Forcing me to the medical room, he told me to wait in the class while he buy food for me. I wonder what's going on with him. Oh well, at least I said thanks to him before I go.

Even my sister hadn't given any information about Where she is, What is she doing, And is she eat properly. But I hope everything is fine. Don't want hear that she was sick or kind of. Unable to hear or get contact her is make me feel anxious to be honest. Perhaps, today I don't need to buy any foods or drinks. I'm Just little bit exhausted from all of this. Everyone act so weird today. Just wonder what just happen.

"go home?" I stop at the moment. And surprised look at that person.

"eat already?" then He approach to me. "you good?" he asked again.

"u-uh..! i-im fine!" I nerveously answer.

"glad to hear that" then he smile.

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