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[ next day, Airport, 10 A

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[ next day, Airport, 10 A.M ]

"Hmm, avery, did you see where my hat goes? Cause i dont see in my bag" my favorite hat one and only. That hat was given my him tho, when we were at the festival last time. When 'things' before happen to us.

"Nope. Where did you put it last time?" I'm pretty sure the hat is inside my bag last time. And i didn't wear it even once while in this place. How can i drop it then?

"Do you want to get new one?" I shake my head. I think i'll be fine without hat. I just love that hat, it's like my treasure. I better be careful next time with he gave to me.

"Don't mind it av. By the way, what time—" he suddenly grab my hand and drag me to toilet. "Av— what's wrong? It hurt" he wont listen and keep drag me.

After we get inside the toilet, he told me to keep silence for moment while we hiding. He also use sign language to communicate with me. I don't what exactly happen to us right now, but it seems we're undercove—

Wait a minute. We're hiding. Is that mean.. i can't be.

"I think they're going with the same flight with us. We need something to hide our appearance" eh? What does he mean? Is he trying to 'play' games with me? Or?

"Let's go" he dragged me once again. And we're head to some store.

[ Airport, Boutique Store, 11 A.M ]

Ah, perhaps 'change our appearance' refers to our clothing line. I guess? I'm not that sure actually, i just guessing if this what he means. So, i can't guarantee that. "Avery? What are we doing here? Are we going to get clothes before we left?"

He remain silence as he still looking one. I wonder what he gonna do with these stuff, tho, he said that shopping is the most painful thing to do. Not because the prices but the doing.

"I'm going to look over there" well, since i had nothing to do, better to look off somewhere else. And look him, he grab everything. Like pile of clothes. What he gonna do with that now? Should i ask him? Or not?

"A.. ehmm.. avery" he looks at me.


"So, did you have exact purpose for buying that pile of clothes? Not being so rude but, isn't that way toomuch? And.. i see lot of girls clothes.."

"Oh, this? This is for you"

"Eh?! For me? What for? I'm a guy not a girl"

"That's why i bought it for you"

Eh?! Wha?! Why me tho!?! I'm guy! I'm not going through All of this! This is nightmare for me, a real nightmare!

"Haa, don't put that face on me. I'm not going to lewd you or something. And i'm not going to let them to have you again. Ever"

Them? Ah, as I expected. He tried to telling me that we're about dealing with them once again. And he mention that we will in the same flight. Wearing girls dresses is.. a nightmare but, i think this is the best way to prevent any further unwanted thing.

"Would you wear it?"

I nods. And hoping this going well. Cause if not, i'm afraid they will kidnap me and torture me once again. Or maybe kill me instead. I'm too young for that.

"Don't peak! Or i hit you with something!" He's a pervert. After we having 'fun night' i feel like, we slowly bonding to each other. And i can feel
How he touch me, kiss me, hug me. And since that, avery become more gentle to me. He always watching in every single inch i step. He wont let me go by myself.

Well, i mean of course, i still trauma about the kidnap. It's more than just scary. The chills really through my bones.

He nods and waits outside the changing room.

I trying one by one but it doesn't look suit on me. I can't hide my 'bulge' down there. And the pants are so tight, even i can't move freely. It's like a robot to me. Also the tops are to girly, makes me feel so uncomfortable and he ask me to use something that i look like have a boobs. Balloon is too easy to pop out, i'm afraid my disguise will be revealed

I need to change the game here. And making myself comfortable not like this. I knock the door twice to call him out. As soon as he opens the door slightly, he ask me what happen then I dragged him inside.

"Look, i have better idea for this case and i'll show you right now"

[ On flight back to Tokyo ]

Haa.. at least my idea workout somehow. Even.. he looks so mas at me and i can't stop laughing. Looking at him wearing such a wig and high-heels, with sunglasses, issa nightmare woman Adult i've ever seen in my whole life. I mean, a woman with muscle, tall, handsome and so manly is way too scary.

"Feel satisfied yet?" With angry tone and he likes want to punch me but he cannot. Truly, he's so funny and i want to take lot of picture. Or maybe i can post it on mu instagram feed. It'd be great

"Ah, don't be mad. You'll get the rid thing off later after we got home, and i promise, this the last time you do this" well, i can't guarantee my promise to that one

"You always broke your promises"

"But it happen by itself! Not in purpose you know!" Pouting at him is the best way i have to against him. This time he giggles back at me. "What so funny?!"

"Nothing. Seeing you pouting and upset, so cute" then he kiss my cheek. "Beside, i'm feel sleepy. Wake me up if we arrive okay. And keep your eyes"

Tho, we do all of this because we're in the same plane with chi and his whole gang. I dont know how we can be in one place, but i think we will be fine if we careful to take every step from now. And i hope sooner or later, i can talk with my sister. She need to explain to me everything. Everything from zero.

If she wont tell me, then i'll make her to speak.

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