• 27 • The river of caspian

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[ Next morning, Motel, 8 A.M ]

~• Richie's Pov •~

"Av, avery. Wake up" geez, this guy never changed. Still hard for me to wake him up. Tho, his snore is too loud. Sounds like cow and sheep are mixed.

I poke his cheek. He's so cute and handsome when he sleeps. It feels like im watching angel, i cant take my off him right now. And it feels so warm everytime he beside me. I'm being watched, also he promised to me that he will protect at any rate and cost.

"Avery, can you just open your eyes? We might miss another breakfast!"

I still try to make him awake but be wont!

"Avery! wake up—"

He pull me and kiss me. And making me as his a bolster.

"Quite, i'm still sleepy"

My face turns total red and blushes. I can feel the hot as well in my face. What's wrong with me? Why everytime he kiss me, always make me so nervous. Is this, what love is?

"Then, i'm going to have shower first if you wont wake up by now" he groan means yes. For god sake, please changed how this guy should sleep! Its getting annoying tho to be honest.

I walk into bathroom and starting with brush my teeth first, wash my face and getting ready to take shower. Even i'm still thinking if the hot water available or not. Cause last time i check, the hot water wont turns on. In the other hand, I realize that this is just tiny motel

But whh avery book this place? Cause it simple and cheap? Or he just choose randomly? Well, it's not my business and only one more night we stay over then we go back to tokyo.

Hokkaido is already become my sad and happy place. Sad at being kidnap and happy to feel the atmosphere here. Even its cold but i love it. The people are also nice. Like before, the guy who sell crepes. The food isn't that bad either. I love the sweet and the crepes itself.

"Oh, the hot water is working" finally the hot water is working right now. Honestly, my body cant take cold that much. Easily to get some cold. And my body kinda weak when I'm sick of feeling down.

I wash my body with soap. And i'm not wetting my hair for today. Too lazy to dry em' out, yet no hair dryer so how am I supposed to do then.

To think about it, it's been awhile i can relax myself after being kidnapp and torture by them. Its like i've been crawling out from nightmare and now i'm holding a very bright bulp that will never dimmed. And that bulp is avery. Thanks to him. I do really need to repay him

He sacrificed his life to saved me. Put him in danger and already become a killer. Just to make me save. And he never regret and hesitate to do all of that. And he promise me he will be my guardian as long as he live.

I took my towel and wipe my body and hair the gets my clothes on. I was planning to buy something but, looks like i've to wait avery now. I want to have breakfast together with him. While i'm still in bathroom, i heard that my phone is buzzing.

I ran out from bathroom and takes my phone. "Oh, my phone is buzzing" i wonder who would to call me at this morning. Is it mom? Dad? Sister? Probably sister. I hope so.

Then, when i see on the screen, it's only a numbers, which is anonymous. Well, this is so creepy and making me goosebumps.

I dont pick up the call cause i feel like this is someting that not right. Never in mylife to answer a call from anonymous or stranger or whatever. Or it could be aunt nokumura?! She's try to blackmail me with this number. I remember the last time when she call me and her phone number is 'unknown' as well or leave it just a numbers.

Is it truly her? Tho, she wont give up just like that and letting me go. I'm pretty sure she has tons of way and plan to do. I'm scared to be kidnap once again. I can feel my bone is slowly getting worse.

"Who's calling you?" Avery asking me from his sleep. And finally he opens his eyes for sure and wake from he's deep sleep.

"Ah, you awake and i dont know. There's no name on it" i threw my phone to him to let him know if its true. Well, he's type of guy who can easily get 'trust' with others people say. Even to me

"It look suspicious. Change your number"

"Eh?! What for? I love that number! Almost four years i kept that number with me—"

"Change it"

"Pfft, fine. I'll change it! But i wont throw that number away from me!"

"You can keep it. But dont use it" he pullover the blanket and covering his body again. Dont tell me, is he going to sleep again?!

"Seriously avery? Are you going back to sleep again?" He response with just a nods. Well, i dont know what've to say right now. BUT I'M HUNGRY AS HELL!

"Argh— fine. I'm going out to look out for food—"

"I'm coming"

Okay, that was fast. Saying i'm going out perhaps the best way to waking him up from that dark very deep sleep following with noisy snore from him. God geez, i do really need to plug my eats while he sleeps beside me. Its like nightmare.

"heh, i thought you were going back to sleep"

"If you weren't going out"

"Pfft, go get yourself on water. I'll be waiting here and dont take time to long. I'm hungry as hell"

He pats my head gently and kiss my cheek. I know, i dont get blushes but i can feel how warm he is. I love it when he touches me.

~• End of Chapter 27 •~

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