• 19 • When the clown down

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~• Before you guys start reading, this chapter contain a Profanity (obscene language) a bit. Just in case 😉. Thank you! •~

[ Still on that night.. avery and his gang are on the move. Then he split up according to the plan ]

 Then he split up according to the plan ]

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[ Nokumura's Mansion, 11 P.M ]

"Yosh, here we go"

Avery, Yuki and Gerald are the main things here. They already arrive at the first target point. They sneak out the mansion and make sure if they're safe from security system.

"Boss, the door is open"

Avery nods as he came in first. The room is really dark. No lights at all

"Geez, what room is this?"

Gerutu Gerald.

"Stop complaining! And keep quite!"

Yuki response to gerald.

"Shh. I heard someone. Hide"

Avery make a signal that he heard steps and voices of the guard. He told them to hide somewhere or disguise. As long the guard pass.

Avery hides inside the empty wardrobe, Yuki get inside the empty barrel and Gerald under the table.

"Huh? I think i just heard something over there" he menyodorkan the flash light.

"Are you drunk? I dont hear anything. Lets go"

"But im sur—"

"Argh, dont be such a baby! Remember what our boss say!"

He remain silence as they leave those three alone in dark room. They slowly to steps out and continue to sneaking around and searching for richie.

"Boss, do you where's the room?"

"I know. Yuki, try to distract them. You too gerald. And dont make this plan failed."


Both of them leaves avery alone as they distract the guards and makes avery easy to get to the room.

He tried to jack up the key hole and unlock em'. And yet, he did it. He opens the door with a happy face. Then, the face isn't the one he wanted. He's face turns into full of question.

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