Chapter 51- Even the Dead have Ears

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Relating to Episode 29 of Love O2O.

Time flew by and before Mei knew it, the day of the staff trip had arrived with a burst of sunshine.

     "Hey... no one said anything about a dress code." Li Qiang, the only one not wearing a variation of black and white, grumbled as they headed out to the cars. Even the cars fit the unofficial colour scheme.  Xiao Nai, Ban Shan and Li Qiang were all taking their SUV's, while Mei had splurged on a jeep. When people asked, he claimed he was too handsome to continue catching public transport- what if he got kidnapped and sold for his good looks- however the truth was that he'd gone and bought the first car he saw after KO had come dripping into the office one day. Rain and motorbikes were not a good mix, except in the movies, and while they might occasionally act like the leads in a Rom-Com, Mei knew they weren't. No, it was better to buy a car than risk KO in bad weather. Not that he was all that comfortable driving. He'd never needed to learn when he was living at home and once he was in the dorms they walked everywhere, or he caught a lift with the guys. Which is why KO was the one with the keys.

"Hey Mei, it was supposed to be a fair competition. But you straight up let KO in the back door!" Li Qiang's comment was backed up by the others. Unperturbed, KO slung his backpack into the car and stood in the open door, waiting for everyone to get their teasing out of their system.

Mei advanced on Li Qiang. "He can cook, do laundry, wash dishes, and mop floors. Can you? Can you?"

Each question was punctuated with a poke to Li Qiang's chest. He put his hands in the air and backed up.

"But I have such precious hands. Of course I can't do such menial work."

"Well if you can't, then shut up. Hurry and get in the car."

Maybe he closed the passenger door a bit too firmly, but darn that Li Qiang. Why did he have to remember his offer for someone to stay? Didn't he know Mei only made the offer because he was backed into a corner? KO reached over and ruffled his hair, before pulling the Jeep out of the car park to follow Xiao Nai's and Ban Shan's cars. Mei frowned  at KO. 

"What was that for?"

"You're cute when you pout."

"Zhu tou."

A cough from the back seat caught their attention.

"Please don't forget you have company," Wang Wei leaned between the front seats. "I don't think my heart could take it if I see KO acting like a human rather than a statue. The sweet would rot my teeth."

"What would rot your teeth? You're an old man- it happens with age." When Wang Wei feigned a direct hit to the heart, Mei noticed KO hiding a smile. If Wang Wei couldn't see the hacker as human than that was his loss. Mei was more than happy to keep KO's smiles a secret.

    The three of them chatted while they followed Xiao Nai to pick Wei Wei up from college. It would be more accurate to say that Mei and Wang Wei chatted while KO provided the occasional grunt whenever comments were directed specifically at him. After climbing halfway out the window to wave at Wei Wei, and thoroughly enjoy the fact that someone else was turning pink, not him, Mei leaned back in his seat with a sigh.

     "Four days away... laosan sure is good."


    Surprised to get no response from Wang Wei in the backseat, Mei twisted around. Their peer was lying on the backseat with his head leaning against the door. Each time the Jeep went over a bump, the man's head thunked against the handle. Mei blinked at him in surprise.

    "He's asleep."

     "Hmm." KO took one hand off the wheel and rubbed the back of Mei's neck. "He's been asleep since we hit the highway after picking up Wei Wei."

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