she never earned her gold medal, but she got to live.

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her red lipstick
stained her hair
as the sea breeze
whipped it about
her feet bare,
she sat where
the water could
reach her toes

the cold waves splashed
as the ocean did
what the moon commanded
the tide was high,
the waters were choppy
and she'd honestly had enough
what was stopping her
filling her pockets
with stones
and going for gold?

her bold lips
must have
caught his eye
because he sat down
next to her
she lied about her name,
he said he liked her crimson lips
i bet he did
he shared his
way of peace with her
and she walked
to the train station

another day, another failed mission

A/N: hey, hi, hello, so i guess this is different. how are you all?
To re-iterate this is not about JESSICA this is about getting high with a stranger instead of killing yourself. 👍

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