The Life of a Paul University Guy

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Yhugee Dave Dike
Episode 10
I just smiled and answered her
"yes, I am, is there any problem I can help you with? I asked sounding like I was the one that gave her the problem in order to help her.
"yes I need your help. Please do you know where the Dean of Science's office is located?
"owh, you mean Professor Buchi?" I asked her
"ehmm ... yes, that's the name of the person the bursar asked me to see" she said trying to arrange the heavy file she was holding.
"Yea, sure I know his office, I can take you there if you wish" I replied, feeling like a boss
"please I'll love it if you do" she said back looking like she was tired..
I immediately logged out from my system, and offered helping her carry the file. Off I went, directing her to the Dean's office.
I decided to use this opportunity to talk to her
"so Chinasa is your name right?" I asked
"yes, how did you know?" she replied looking surprise
"I just guessed I think" I replied and smiled
"hmmm, seriously, are you that good at guessing?" she said looking at me with doubt
"maybe, Im just good at guessing pretty girls names" I replied, now looking serious so she wont get any glimpse that I heard it during class
"hmmm, that's nice of you, but I don't know your name and I'm not good at guessing handsome guys name" she said
Immediately I started blushing buh still struggling to to put the serious face
"I know I'm handsome don't remind me" i replied and both of us started laughing
"sha my name is Praise" i replied smiling now
"so what department are you in" I asked, trying to arrange the file which was about falling off from my hand
"I'm in Micro-Biology department, what about you?" she asked me
"seriously are you a micro-biology student?" I asked looking very surprised and Joyful
"yes, is there any problem with that department?" she asked almost looking scared
"NO Ohhhh.... I'm also a Micro-biology student too, that's why I'm surprised" I said
we continued chatting until we reached the door of the dean and that was where I had to stop, because I didn't plan going in with her to the Prof. Buchi's office, that is a no go area. I wasn't that eager to know her to that level.
so we agreed on meeting again when she was done.
I was relieved of the files i was carrying because they were really heavy but as a man that I am, I had to endure till the finish line.
it was already past 1pm and as soon as I left Chinasa I started feeling hungry and needed to eat good food since the snacks I ate in the morning had expired and i needed a refill for my stomach to get strength.
I went to take my bag from the class because my laptop was still in it and I wasn't ready to buy a new one when it gets stolen, I carried my bag to the hostel since my next class was PHY191, Physics practical, which was to hold from 2pm to 5pm .
On my way to the hostel, I saw some guys standing at the hostel gate looking at something that was pasted on the wall, I decided to check out what was it that made everybody to be gathered there, and low and behold it was the offenders list..... the school normally paste the names of students who do not normally attend the morning devotion which was scheduled by 7:00am in the morning and the night devotion by 7:00pm.........
I knew my name wont be on the list because I do attend both the morning and night devotion, but I still had to check because sometimes the potters make mistake and I wasn't ready to pay the N1000 fine for each day you missed any devotion. But my name wasnt there, I rushed to the hostel, opened the padlock with my key since my roommates had not finished there classes and nobody was in the room, I dropped my bag and took off to the Ref.

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