The Life of a Paul University Guy

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The Life Of a Paul University Guy
by Yhugee Dave Dike
Episode 14
It was already about 3 weeks after Chinasa resumed, we also welcomed two other girls within those weeks to our science class. Their names were Ada Iwu and Sandra Njoku.
Ada is a fair skinned tall girl, who caught not only the eyes of 100 level guys but also the eyes of 200 to 400 level guys.
The first day Ada came to school, her speaking accent in class was one i had never heard in a long while. Me i thought that she was the daughter of a governor or a commissioner. She spoke English so well picking up vocabularies I've not heard before. Thank God she was not in my department, she was in the computer science department.
Sandra is also a dark skinned girl but not tall in height. She is a black beauty, a photogenic girl who knew all the poses and selfie stance in order to take a picture. I found out of how good she was in taking pictures when I went through her gallery on her phone the first day she came to school. Sandra is a Microbiology student. She was more friendly to me than Ada who taught that nobody was her mate in class.
So we had in total, three gorgeous and amazing ladies with special qualities in our class.
The Trio had already started becoming close friends, what I mean by the trio is Chinasa, Ada and Sandra. They were closer like sisters just within 2 weeks of being in the same class and hostel.
I and Chinasa were already so close that Andrew had to keep off because his plans didn't work out as he must have expected. I guess my Ibo sense was updated than his own.
Daniel was already teasing me that I had found a girlfriend. But I just laughed about it when he said it because I knew I haven't even asked Chinasa out, but it wasn't that I did not want to ask her out, but Oluchi, the girl in 200 level; the girl that normally borrows my MTH101 note and puts on glasses, said she kinda liked me the time I was also teaching her a topic in maths, but I didn't know how serious it was.And Oluchi feels jealous when she sees me most of the time with Chinasa. So I wasn't ready to ask someone out and still be liking another person. So you understand my dilemma.
* * * * *
It was on a Wednesday after we finished having CST101, a general course for all 100level students, we were heading for the chapel for the normal compulsory mid-week service which starts by 12pm and end at 2pm, when I and Gideon saw another girl who came with her mum in her car, by the way, I and Gideon were now closer as friends than before, I guess our friendship got stronger when he started coming daily to my room asking me to give him pure water, it even got to a point that when he was thirsty he would enter my room and collect it without telling me, so anytime I wanted to revenge as a friend I would ask him for N250 to buy Abacha, and for sure, he wouldn't dare turn me down unless he doesn't want to drink pure water again. sha that was how our friendship started and grew.
So back to the girl we saw,
"Guy new student don show again oh" I said,
"hmmm, this one should be in Accountancy department, she how she wore her glasses" Gideon replied while trying to tuck in his shirt and look like a gentle man
"see as she looks like first class candidate" I said, while standing and waiting for Gideon to finish arranging himself
"I pray she enter art class oh,see as I don take find my girlfriend" Gideon said and we laughed as we continued walking to Chapel
* * * * * * *
We got to the chapel but it wasn't that filled up with students who were still strolling from their classes. Just the Vice chancellor, and the some Deans with some other H.O.D's which I couldn't identify were seated, it was after the introit him that the chapel suddenly started getting filled with students. By this time almost all the students have resumed school so the chapel was filled to its capacity.
The chapel this time did not last long as usual, we were done by 1:30 pm
And the V.C came out to give us some announcement. His announcement was centered on the students who owed the school their school fees, and he was like "I'm gonna send y'all out of the hostel"
* * * * *
after the chapel, classes were not meant to hold again in school. So we all went straight to the hostel that was after the potters in both the male and female hostels had done their head count of the students that were present during the midweek chapel. Missing the mid-week chapel was another huge crime to be committed in Paul University.
I got to the hostel and was very hungry, I just dropped my bible and hymn book on my table and went out to the Ref. to buy food,
"madam good afternoon" I said trying to check if there was food, seeing that the Ref. was scanty
"What do you want to buy?" the woman backing her baby replied
"do you have swallow with Egusi soup?" I asked
"No oh, it has finished, we have only yam porridge" the woman replied
"okay, don't worry" I said and left the ref.
I hated yam with passion.
So I left and went outside the gate to buy beans and plantain from one of the women who normally sells it at the roadside
"my customer you don come?" she said smiling
"good afternoon ma" I said forcing out a smile with my hungry stomach
"afternoon, you want ripe or unripe plantain today?" she said while touching the plantain which was still steaming hot from the heat generated by the charcoal in the steel basin
"give me ripe one, N250" I replied to the woman.
she added the grated pepper into the beans, mixed it with the mashed plantain and added little salt, poured oil from the pot beside her and stirred it very well she dished everything in the take away plate and garnished it with ugba and bitter leave.
My lunch was settled. I took it with a smiling face and off back into the school compound, on my way into the compound I saw Chinasa and Dave going out of the gate, I stopped and asked with a smiling face
"Nasa, whatsup, where are yhu going" I asked but didn't want to look like i was bothered seeing her with Dave.
"I want to go to Daddy and buy rice, I told Dave to escort me sha" she said smiling back at me. not realizing her smile was annoying me at that point.
"Okay na, be going" I said and just went to the hostel.
I didn't want me seeing her with Dave make me lose my appetite so I decided to buy one bottle of Pepsi from Uncle Ugo's shop to eat with the beans and plantain.

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