The Life of a Paul University Guy

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The Life of a Paul University Guy
by Yhugee Dave Dike
Episode 16
The December break was fast approaching and lecturers were already announcing their quiz.
"you better go and read everything I have taught you from Set theory till what we learnt today,and tell those 200 level computer science students who had this course carried over, that they should submit their names to me before tomorrow so that I will know how many scripts I am printing for the quiz on Friday, because any of them that does not submit his/ her name should not disturb me on Friday" this was Mrs. Nfor talking. She had fixed the date for her own quiz.
"Ma please where would we stay to write the quiz" Andrew asked, as the class rep
"we would go to the theologians block so that I can space you all out in one hall, since this class is too small for all of you to stay together, you people should have known how I write my quiz. So if you like come and write and if you like don't come. And don't forget, no Scientific calculator is allowed in my quiz" She said finally
Na wa oh
Ma its not fair oh!!!
this was how the class became noisy
Mrs Nfor finished talking and left the class smiling, but she meant all she said. She wanted to train us how to depend on our self when calculating, than depending more on the use of calculators.
But seriously it wasn't fair
After the class, I decided to have a class meeting with everybody about the up coming quiz which was in 3 days time,
I had already finished talking with Andrew to help me organize everybody that were still standing up so that we would arrange how we would have a tutorial against the quiz
"Everybody please settle down oh, I want to say something" I shouted trying to maintain order
"ORDER!!!" wisdom shouted with his Small bass tone, still everybody wasn't still organised
"I want us to organize tutorials for MTH101 Quiz" i continued shouting and at the Mention of MTH101 every mouth was shut
"so now you people can listen abi?" I now calm down to talk
"talk na, now everybody is quiet you don't like it?" Sandra said
"ehen, I want to organize tutorials before the quiz. So which time do you people think you will be free either today or tomorrow" I asked
"what of this night after Night devotion" Richard asked
"No oh, I have plans this night after devotion" I said and rejected it
"don't you know that praise is going to work this night?" Daniel said teasing me and laughing.
This was because I and Chinasa normally go out on a stroll almost every night after the school's night devotion.
As soon as Daniel said that everybody burst out in laughter, while Chinasa was just blushing before she put on her earpiece and started listening to a song.
"what about this evening, from 5pm to 7pm" I asked
"its better, since class is finishing by 2pm today" Andrew said, and everybody agreed.
"So the tutorials will be holding at Lecture Room 1 at art block" I finally said and went to sit down next to Chinasa
She was solving MTH121 Assignment, and listening to music, so I decided to disturb and help her out, although I was not even offering the course
"What are listening to?" I asked while removing one of the earpiece from her ear.
"hmmm, this one you're listening to "Jealous" and solving maths am I safe?" I asked while teasing her. yet she did not respond although I saw her smile.
"Is like the maths is hard oh" I continued talking for her to say something
"Praise I am hungry oh" she now replied giving me her baby face and resting her head on my shoulder.
"owh, thats why you do not want to talk since" I smiled and pinched her cheek
"I've not eaten since morning na, and I'm solving maths" she now raised her head from my shoulder, closed the book she was solving with and held my arm
"Owk, I'm coming let me go and buy something from Uncle Ugo"I said while standing up and leaving her hand
"Please look after my bag for me and my laptop is charging on that extension box there" I said while leaving the class
"Praise, buy for me too oh" Sandra said , since she was sitting behind Chinasa when we were talking
"Hmmm, I don't have enough money oh" I said and rushed out of the class laughing
After classes were over for the day, I, Chinasa, Sandra and Ada went to the Ref and ate Indomie, before we retired to our hostel in order to prepare for the tutorials by 5pm.

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