Truth or dare

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Daniel's POV-

1 day

It's been 1 whole day sense I found out my best friend loves me and Jonah. I already took a bubble bath, ate icecream, and broke 3 lamps. How can they expect me to choose? I never really noticed my feeling's of Jack until now. Everything makes sense though I mean I just though that's what friends do. If I date Jack then I can be open with it and we are very simlilar so there would be no fights right? But with Jonah it's like a war zone but in a good way. I groaned laying my head on my pillow my parent's got home last night. They came after the boys left i was cryign which was my first mistake. (FLASHBACK) I was sobbing the reason I have no clue. Youw ould think after finding out two boys confess their love to me I would be over the moon right? My parent's came in hanging their coats up. I was too lazy to move so I sat there on the couch having a pity party. "Honey what's wrong?" My mother asked I sniffled "I-I don't w-wanna say" I said hugging her. She sighed sympathically 'Honey i am always here even when you screw the hell up." I nodded and looked at her my face probally flushed and dripping with snot. "J-Jack said he loved me." I continued to cry she rubbed my back "Honey that's so great" I cried even harder. "Or it's not" "A-another boy said he loved me as w-well but.." I couldn't tell her it was Jonah I caouldn't see her face after finding her boy not only talks to other elemets but likes one. "Andddd" she said dragging out the d "He's not out he is a big person in the school and dosen't wanna be with me." I know it made no sense but somehow she bought it. (PRESENT) I sat on my bed writing out a pro's and con's list on the two boys. I got a text my parent's gave me back my phone I guess outta sympathy. {Hey come to the waterfall} It was from Zach I already told those two about the whole love triangle dilema. {No} {Please we have a suprise for you.} I thought about I guess it could get my mind off of them. {Fine} I put on jogging pants with a blue tank and a gray beanie. I walked outta my house checking to see how much time I have left on my brace. I have 1 hour exactly that's what I get for staying outside for an hour and a half this morning. I jogged to the waterfall making sure I wasn't followed. I got there seeing Corbyn and Zach sitting on a picnic blanket. "Hey" "You came I thought you would chicken out like a weenie." Corbyn said with his sunglasses on. Zach smacked his chest "Be nice" He patted a seat beside him. I sat down "So how are you Daniel?" Zach asked "You mean have I choosen yet?" He nodded "No but secretly I am leaning for Jack I mean with Jonah those unknowns are far to great." Zach made a whining noise "You can't I won't let you Joanh is your romeo for meatballs." I laughed "Did you really just use a spagetti refrence?" He nodded "I'm a little hungry but hey wanna play truth or dare?" I shook my head no 'Oh come on are you two?" Corbyn joked. "No it's just that games too unpredicale." "Oh come on not everything in life can't be lived in the bounderies you gotta live." I groaned "Fine" "Corbyn truth or dare?" Zach asked "Dare" "I dare you to take off your shirt." Zach said biting his lip while I rolled my eyes. Corbyn took it off and smiled "Babe you could have just asked." "Zach truth or dare?" I asked "Truth" I thought about it for a few minutes. "Have you ever topped?" Corbyn I thinked chocked on his spit a little Zach shook his head "Nope" he said popping the p. The game continued a few more rounds until it was Zach's turn to ask me. "Daniel Truth or dare?" "Truth" "oh come on you picked truth for the past 3 times you don't get a pick you are soing dare." Corbyn said sternly "Dare" I said getting a little antsy "I dare you to kiss Jonah." he said winking "He's not here" I said "Hey" I heard slightly I looked behind me seeing Jonah. So that's who Corbyn was texting a few minutes ago. Joanh crouched down to my height. "I am not kissing him what about Jack?" I said pushing him slightly turning to Zach. I turned back around when Jonah smashed his lips to mine. I felt the flowers prout under us. "F*ggot" echoed through my head. I pushed Jonah back making him loose his balance. "I said no" 

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