Flat line

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Jonah's POV-
I sat on the bench watching the trees sway in the wind. They seemed so care free like there was nothing holding them down. I closed my eyes feeling the wind hit my face. "Jonah what are you doing?" I opened my eyes seeing Ricky one of my older friends. He sat beside me "Have you every just wanted to feel like the trees?" I asked without thinking. I turned to him seeing him looking half confused and half worried. "Dude are you high?" Yeah high on the blue eyed beauty who I have no chances with. I shook my head "Nah.. I mean... just to be so carefree." "You are starting to sound like a earth hippie but I do know a way you could do just that" I looked at him with a cocked eyebrow "How?" "Weed" been there done that I shook my head. "I am not getting roped back in that again." He stood up clutching his jacket to himself "If you change your mind you know where we are at."

Daniel's POV-
"And the wolf huffed and he puffed and....." I was interrupted by a nurse "Daniel it's been an hour go home please." I looked at her with pleading eyes "One more hour...please." She sighed getting out her phone and set an alarm I am guessing. She walked out and I looked at Jack his straightend hair clung to his forehead. I remember the first day we met and he had straight hair that I loved, but then he started to get perms and I loved them more. 


I was sitting in the parking lot of school waiting for my parent's to come get me. It was 7th grade and I couldn't take the bus cause for some reason it always made me sick. I was drawing some of the flowers that were planted in the flower beds. "Can I join you?" I looked up to see a boy with straight brown hair and cute glasses. I nodded he sat down "Waiting for your parents too?" I asked he shook his head. "I live down the road but you looked lonely." I blushed a little and looked down did he think I was helpless? I'm not helpless I am brave and strong. I looked at his skateboard sitting beside his backpack. "May I ride it a little?" He looked a little unsure "I mean if you know how too." I sat up taking off my backpack "I know easy peasy" I set the board down and put my foot on it man it's really wobbly. "Are you sure you know how too?" I nodded putting my left foot on it and pushing off with my right. I put my foot back on the board and was gliding smoothly. I looked back at the boy and put a thumbs up. I saw him flarring his arms and I looked at him then back in front of me. I saw I was heading to the other curb how do I stop this thing? My mind went blank and the board jerked too a stop, making he go forward and landing on the concreate. I got up and Jack was by my side "Wow you are really good I have never wiped out that hard." I frowned at his sarcasm "Thanks" I mumbled getting up seeing a cut from my knee to half my leg. It was bleeding but it didn't look like it was gonna need stitches. The boy must have seen my worried face. "Hey it's okay girls love scars" And what about boys. The boy put his arm around my waist. "Here let me help you too the nurse's office" I nodded putting my arm around his shoulder. "I'm Avery Jack Avery" "Daniel"


I stopped day dreaming when I head a loud beep. I looked around confused until I saw the heart monitor Jack was hooked up too had gone cold. The rest went in a fast paced blur. Nurses and doctor's running in and out "He's flatlining." I heard someone yell before I was rushed out I hadn't even noticed my tears till I felt a waterfall run down my cheeks.

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