The Injury

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Melinda's POV

Skating down into the offensive zone with the puck with my wingers behind me a little ways and two defensive men hot on my trail. First instinct "shoot". Second instinct "put it in the corner". The two defensive me get to me first crushing me into the boards. Then a crack. And a shooting pain went through out my leg leaving me crippled on the ice. I couldn't move, I'm used to pain but this was too much.

Next thing I know the teams trainer and the rest of the medical staff are next to me.

"I cant move it!" I screamed in pain and aggravation after minutes of trying to get me move my leg. 

"Okay we'll get you on the gurney and get you to the hospital okay?" My trainer Michael said. I nodded and within second I was being lifted on and taken off the ice. 


After what seemed like years I'm here now. I passed out somewhere between the ride to the hospital and now, before they tell me how badly injured I am. 

The doctor walked in with a clipboard and following him my parents and siblings. Auston Matthews (yes THE Auston Matthews) (he hasn't been drafted yet but his buzz was enough for him to be very popular) being the most concerned tackled me and I swear my knee wasn't the only thing that was broken now. 

"Don't you dare do that to us again! You scared me out of my shoes! You know what would happen if those other girls got a worse angle on you? You could hav-" He ranted until our mother Emma, cut him off. 

"Okay Auston. She understands let the poor girl be." She mollified him and he retreated to the seats with my sisters.

The doctor began speaking in a sulky tone, "After looking at the X-rays. I'm sorry to say that your knee has been severely injured. You fractured it in different places and it does not look good lets just say that."

"So will she be able to play?" My father asked. I feared the answer. Hockey is my life. With out it....I don't know what I'll do.

"I'm sorry Melinda the looks of your knee. Its highly possible you will never play hockey again." 

That was it. That was my breaking point. I felt weak. A single tear fell from my eyes and the doctor left the room leaving the papers with my parents. 

"This honestly sucks...." My sister Alex said breaking the sullen silence that filled the room.

"You aren't the one who cant physically play her favorite sport Alex! God why me just why" I screamed and the tears started once again. 

"Lets get you home sweetheart." My father cooed. Helping me up onto my crutches. 


I swear.....Worst. Day. Ever.

First I go down with an injury that has ruined my whole professional career. Now I get a call from my coach that I need to drop by to clean out my locker. No sympathy at all. 

I cant even drive myself to the arena. So I'm sitting in the passengers side of my brother's truck cursing out my life.

"You know being mad about all of this isn't going to help your situation right?" He broke me from my trance.

"Its a lot better than excepting it." I mumbled

"Seriously kid?"

"I'm not a kid Auston. I'm one year older than you." I rolled my eyes. Hating my brother for always calling me a kid even if he knows it irritates me.

"Yeah Yeah. I'm just saying sis. Your just making yourself worse, I don't want to go back home knowing your here all depressed."

"Ill probably just move back and attend Arizona State or something. Bet Minnesota will take away my scholarship now."

"Your still smart as a wiz kiddo." Auston hit me in the head. 

I smacked his arm away, "Pay attention to the road weirdo."

Authors Note:

I know this was extremely short but I had to get this posted asap. I will write longer chapters soon but I'm catching up with school at the moment also so expect delays of two days. Thanks luv yall!

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