The Recovery

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Melinda's POV

You see, when your boyfriend is a professional athlete and you an ex college athlete and then people find out your brother is ALSO a professional athlete you tend to have your life followed 24/7. Not a comforting feeling if you ask me. Especially when it's only been a week since the incident with Matthew and he's still not totally cleared to play for another 3 days.

I've learned that my private life is no longer private. I am now technically a WAG. Matthew is the reason why. Am I disappointed I've given away half my life for him? No. Not really at least. 

Taking care of him this past week has been challenging. With school work, media showing up to our door constantly, and a temporarily disabled man child things get a bit stressful. 

Thus why I'm currently locked in my bathroom painting my nails an ungodly color. I guess the better term for this would be mentally breaking down......

"Melinda!!!" God damn it......I sighed getting up with my still wet nails. Before exiting I caught a glimpse of my reflection. I look tired, lost. Doesn't look like me at all.

I walked out to the living area where I see Matthew reaching under the sofa but still laying stomach flat. 

"You need some help there?" I leaned up against the wall enjoying watching his struggles.

"Could you just help me find the laptop. I just woke up and I need my daily dose of American Horror Sorry which you refuse to watch with me."

I searched under the sofa finding the laptop and giving it to him. I get up to walk away again to continue my breakdown but am so rudely interrupted.

"Are you okay ?"

This stopped me. Am I okay? You know with recent events I haven't had time to really sit down and think about things. I've felt really lost the last few months. I miss hockey, I miss home, I miss Katie, I miss the old me. They always say being an adult is never easy, nor do I expect it to be easy. 

"I-I am. Yeah. Why wouldn't I be?" 

"I know things have been tough lately. Don't think I haven't noticed. I know you sit in the bathroom for hours doing nothing. I don't want this for you. Go out, I'll be okay I'm not dying. Hell call up Monny and his girlfriend and go to lunch. Anything to revive you again." 

He's got a point. I do need to start spending time with my other friends again. I need to do things for me too. 

Luckily for me we lived around the corner from some of the guys and their wives so I walked over and knocked on Monohans door.

No answer. Just my luck. I tried a few more and still got nothing. I ended up walking back home where I found a sleeping Matthew. 

Creeping back into the bathroom I slid down the wall and pulled out my phone. I found my way onto my Instagram something I haven't used in quite a long time. The last real photo I have posted is one of me and Katie during a free skate before the season started. Season. Hockey. Competition. I miss it. Have I lost my touch? My love for the game? I barely watch hockey on television anymore either.  

I scrolled around for a few more minutes but the memories were too much  and frankly other people's lives were too uninteresting to pay attention to. I went back to staring at the floor. I want my life back. I wish I could go back and reverse my injury. But what if by reversing my injury I wouldn't have met Mat. Which would I trade? Mat is just as much as my life as hockey is. I chose him, this was MY decision. But how much can you take before you break? Life isn't perfect and you can't get everything you want. 

After another hour sitting in the same spot contemplating my life I heard Matthew getting up. But before I could beat him to it he has already wobbled his sweet self in front of the door. 

"Melinda. We really need to talk." The words a girl hates the most.  We went back to sit on the sofa together, "Look. I know you may hate this but I think it's the only real choice here. Don't take it the wrong way but I think you need to go home for a while. See your family, live a little, go clubbing, see your brother."

"I can't just leave you here Matthew I need to take care of you." 

"I think I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself Melinda. I love your care I really do but I'm worried about your well being right now." He took my hands in his and rubbed them gently, "Go on and pack and I better see you off tomorrow morning." 

I nodded my head and leaned back into him. If I was really going to do this I was going to spend one last night with him because God knows how long I'm going to be gone. 

Tough Love/// Matthew TkachukWhere stories live. Discover now