Lazy Days

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Melinda's POV 

A week has passed here in Calgary. Matthew has been swamped with training with the team and that's been about it. I buy the groceries work around the house. To be honest I feel like a mom. Matthew was going to be home later today and speaking of moms. I decided to call my own. 

"Hello?"  She answers.

"Hey mama just wanted to check up on everyone back at home." 

"Oh don't worry we're just fine. Alex is pretending she doesn't miss you and dad is missing his two little girls." I can practically hear the tears starting to form in my mother's eyes.

"Wow he's not missing his only son?!" I joke. Knowing Auston he probably calls home every day because he's so home sick. 

"You know your brother Melinda it's like he never left," she sighs, "so how is Matthew?"

I smile at the mention of his name, "He's fine. Just always busy with rookie stuff. He's really worried about not making the team." 

"Well all the boys are feeling that way right now. Including your brother. Speaking of..... you should call him." 

That's true. With all the moving in for the three of us siblings and settling and busting and yeah none of us have had the time to talk. I said goodbye to mom and dad and called up bryana.

No answer.

She's busy.

I call Auston.

No answer.

Well alrighty then. I'll try again later. 

The door opens as I plug my phone in to charge.

"Thank goodness it's over!" Matthew drops everything and flops down on the sofa.

I sit next to  him, "well congrats. We should celebrate."

"So snuggles on the sofa with popcorn and a cheesy movie of your choice?" 

"You know me too well....." I say as I get up to pop some popcorn. 

I had chosen paper towns because let's be honest. This is the best teenaged non romance but romantic movie of the century..... Matthew had accumulated every blankets and throw pillow in our apartment and set it up snuggly. I placed the popcorn on his lap and I snuggled into his shoulder. 

Most of the movie was silent except for when they break into her ex best friends house as her ex best friend and ex boy friend have sex, "That's just wrong on all levels but I would totally suggest this to people who are being cheated on...." 

It wasn't very late. Maybe around 6ish and we popped in another movie. I enjoyed this. I knew that if Matthew was going to be as famous as it seemed I wouldn't get to do these kind of things very often. So I cherished every second of it. 

I laid on his chest listening to his soft heart beat. As it soothed me into a deep sleep. 

Matthew POV

After what was possibly the 3rd movie I looked down to see a sleepingMelinda. She's so beautiful  even if he hair had fallen over her face in lumps and she had been wearing pajamas all day. I also believe she has drooled all over the blanket.....

I loved this.... me and her.... lazy days..... I wouldn't trade it for anything. 

I slowly removed blankets and bowls from the both of us and gently picked up my sleeping girlfriend. Not even thinking about it I laid her down in my bed covering her with the blanket.

I swept some hair from her face and began to whisper into her ears even if I know she couldn't hear me, " hey babe. I know your asleep. But I want to tell you a few things.... even if you won't remeber a single word. I love you. With every bone in my body. I'm so happy you're here with me  I don't know what I'd do without you here in my life. It's like coming home to a wife and kids and a giant house and dinner on the table. But much smaller of course. You're the most beautiful woman on earth. And so smart and talented. I'm the luckiest man on earth to ever find you." 

I kissed her lightly  on the cheek and fell asleep next to her. 

Melinda's POV 

He thought I was asleep. I wasn't. I heard every word. Felt his breathe on my skin. Felt the passion in each word. I felt everything back to him. He was everything to me. 

I let him fall asleep and then rolled over to face his sleeping figure. I traced his jawline with my fingers. What did I ever do to deserve him......

Tough Love/// Matthew TkachukWhere stories live. Discover now