Kidnapped...Or More Like Manapped?

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Okay so I know I have been gone for like 4 months. I apologize. I have had a lot of family issues and with school and dealing with my family it has been just a pain in the a**. To be honest I dont even know where I am in the story so please just bare with me and pretend like this chapter makes sense because I am trying to get back into it. We are just gunna time skip to the end of the season.

Melinda's POV

The flames are in a playoffs spot this year and Matthew is more busy than ever. With practicing and conditioning and just preparing his mind for the playoffs its almost like I never see him anymore. Do I get a lot of free time for myself? Of course and I highly enjoy it. Do I miss him? More than ever. I am not mad at him for always being away, its not a bad thing for either of us. I guess I'm just suffering from minor separation anxiety. He said he had a day off today, but he's no where to be found in our apartment and his phone is sitting on the counter. Where oh where could that man be...

Matthew's POV



Dang it.....

So  I plan to go buy Melinda a promise ring right? Only to come to find out the store downtown was closed.

Epic fail by me. 

Now you may be thinking 'Wow Matthew this isnt that big of a deal'. 

Well let me tell you IT IS because my car just broke down....So what am I doing right now you may ask....I am currently walking to the donut shop to buy us coffee and donuts as an I'm sorry gift...

It really shouldn't be this hard to be a decent boyfriend.

As I am walking along the sidewalk I can't help but notice a car that keeps passing by me from both sides of the street. I don't know if they are waiting for someone or stalking me. If it gets anymore suspicious I'll have to call the cops. Suddenly the black BMW comes to a stop on my side of the road. I cautiously walk up to the car just incase the person has anger issues and starts shooting me up. I mean you never really know.

A man with a black suit on climbs out of the car, "Hey you."

I turn to him just a tad bit afraid. He kind of reminds me of the men in black.

"I need you to come with me Sir."

"I'm sorry I think you have the wrong person man I'm just trying to get home," I say putting my hands up in defense. Instead of arguing more the man grabs me and covers my eyes with some sort of towel. Smells like strawberries.....

I feel myself being shoved into the man's car and hear the tires squeal down the road to who knows where.

Melinda's POV

Okay I have completely lost it. Matthew has been gone almost all day, hasn't texted or called me back to at least tell me he was okay, and it's almost midnight. MID-NIGHT! I can't say I'm mad at him for not being around today. There's a lot of stress on him right now and I have to respect that. I just can't stay in here all night waiting for him. I have to go looking for him.

I walk to the end of our street and check if he could possibly be at Monahan's place but of course... he's not and hasn't been seen by him or Monny's room mates.

"I'll put out an alert to the other guys. He could be in trouble," Monny says dialing up Giordano, their captain. His statement makes me sigh in frustration; I am seriously worried right know I do NOT want to hear that he could be in any type of danger. 

Monny notices how tense I am right now, "Hey, Melinda, it's going to be fine. We'll find him, he'll be okay. I promise." He pats my shoulder and bids me good night, telling me to be careful as well on the rest of my search and that he will call me if he gets any news on Matthew.

I have driven all over Calgary. The dashboard clock reads 2:25 AM. I've gone back to the apartment, to the arena, Giordano's house, and even the local pizzeria Matthew loves so much even so he's not really supposed to be eating as many pizza's as he does. I don't know how much more searching I can do. I'm getting tired and more anxious by the minute. And the last thing I want to do is get myself into a car accident.

I drive to the cliff spot Matthew took me a few months back. I can still remember it like it was yesterday and I wrap the extra blanket I have in my car around me as I make my way toward the edge of the cliff, looking over the city.

Where oh where could you be...

Tough Love/// Matthew TkachukWhere stories live. Discover now