Breakfast Dates and Mall Trips

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Melinda's POV

I woke up to my alarm. Why the hell do I have an alarm? I never use alarms. We'll except on special occas...... MATTHEW AND I ARE FOING TO BREAKFAST!

I jolted out of bed to find an outfit and get ready. I decided on a grey flowered blouse and white jeans with my red vans. As I was in the middle of brushing my teeth there was a knock at the door. Stupid me didn't stop brushing p, but instead opened the door WHILE brushing. There stood Matthew about to laugh his head off. I flipped him the bird and went back to the bathroom to finish.

Walking into the room I saw Matthew passed out in bed. I quietly snuck a photo and posted it on all my social medias. Shaking him awake he grabs my waist and pulls me down next to him. I let out a giggle as he snuggles into me.

"Mattyyyyy we need to get uppppppp." I poked his cute little cheek but he slaps my hand away. I try wiggling out of his hold. Damn this boy is strong.

Finally I try everyone's  weakness," If you get up I'll let you eat part of my breakfast." 

Yup. Always works. Matthew jumped straight out of bed and picked me up running out the door. He didn't put me down till we reached the lobby.

"You know your a very light hockey player. Your like a feather. I'm getting you back into the gym after your off those crutches." He said walking further.


I leaned up against the wall," Hey Matt? Could you get my crutches from my room pleaseeeee?" 

He chuckled and went back up to the room. So I slid down the wall to wait for him. 

"Woah um hey there Melinda." A voice had appeared from the elevator. I looked up and saw....guess who..... Jakob freaking Chychrun. I rolled my eyes at him.

" ya know at least I'm trying to be nice here, but you won't even give me the time of day." 

"I wouldn't EVER give you the time of day ever since that stupid stunt you pulled." 

He sighed looking down at his shoes," I'm really really sorry I did that Melinda. And I regret it so badly. I never stopped thinking about you." 

"Ah huh." Wow I'm really playing hard to get right now. But I'm still not going to forgive him for what he did. It's like the 4th unforgivable curse in Harry potter. Yes I'm a book nerd.

"If Matthew ever hurts you, I'll be here for you okay? I still love you. Even if it doesn't seem like I do and I know you hate me with a passion. But I'd do anything for you." 

I saw sincerity in his eyes, but I wasn't falling for it," for your information-" I was cut off by Matthew steeping out of the elevator with my crutches. His eyes stopped on Jakob. They nodded and Jakob went on his way.

"What on earth was he doing?" 

"Trying to get me to forgive him." 

Even Matthew had to scoff at that. He helped me onto my feet and handed me the crutches.

We ended up at a Waffle House. WAFFLES MY TRUE WEAKNESS. 

We sat near the window to watch the outside world. I think me and Matthew have a strange interest in windows.

I ordered chocolate chip waffles with a side of scrambled eggs. While Matthew got two Belgian waffles with eggs and bacon. God damn men hockey players. Their metabolism is something I would die for. 

"I'm sorry you had to go last night. And I'm sorry I didn't pay much attention to you. But with the press and everything it was all so overwhelming and I don't know why I'm making an excuse I should have paid attention to you hands down." Matthew said holding on my hands.

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