Ignored much?

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Melinda's POV

Me and Matthew had went to our rooms to get ready for the dinner. Apparently we had to dress some what nice as the boys may be photographed and such.

I decided to be fancy but not too fancy. I wore a blue floral summer dress with some slip on flats and of course the necklace Matthew had given to me earlier. I curled my hair and added some mascara, eyeliner, and lip gloss. I'm usually not a makeup person, but I've got to look half wat decent tonight so.

When I was finishing up there was a knock at my door. I quickly grabbed my clutch and answered the door. There stood Matthew and my brother in suits giving me the most idiotic grins they could possibly pull off.

"I'm sorry but do I know you?" I asked messing with them.

But my brother, catching up with my stupidity said, "Shut up sis no ones falling for it." 

I smiled at them as we all headed to the limo that will take all of us to the restaurant. Patrik Laine, Jesse Puljujarvi, and another guy I didn't know were already there and they boys all greeted each other. Matthew then held my hand, probably afraid that one of them would start hitting on me. The three boys looked at me with confusion.

"Guys this is my sister Melinda. Melinda meet Patrik Laine, Jesse Puljujarvi, and Charlie McAvoy." My brother introduces us. I give them a slight wave and and smile, still holding onto Matthew. 

All the boys start coming out of the hotel. Even.....Jakob Chychrun. I seriously have no clue what I ever saw in him. He looked at me and I gripped Matthew's hand tighter. He knew why and held me close to him while we waited for the last few guys. Jakob looked over at us and shook his head, starting a conversation with another guy who I learned was Dubois. 

"Don't worry about him I wont let him do anything to you." Matthew reassured me and led me into the car. 

The ride there was pretty uncomfortable for me. I scrolled through my phone as the boys talked about the draft and whatnot. Finally we were at the restaurant it was a fancy grill house and bar. I followed them to our table in the back of the restaurant. Jakob tried sitting next to me, but my brother and Matthew immediately sat with me. Jakob moved to the other side of the table with some of the other guys.

The dinner was pretty fancy and expensive, but of course they didn't have to pay for it. Some press or whatever they were sat with some of the boys and no one really payed attention to me. Every once and a while Matthew would put his hand on my leg and squeeze it giving me a slight smile before returning to whatever conversation he was having.

Finally we got to leave I was scrolling through social media lagging behind the boys. Funny how they just forgot I was with them to be honest. I felt a figure next to me as I looked up. Patrik Laine.

"Don't worry about those two." Laine said gesturing to my brother and my boyfriend," their just being caught up in the press." 

"I'm still confused." He does a small laugh

"I mean, I know you've felt alone tonight because they didn't pay much attention to you. And I don't know. But I do know that they both feel bad." Laine patted my shoulder and caught up with the rest of the group.

The boys were so stuffed and tired that they all just fell asleep. Once we got to the hotel I didn't even bother with the other two. I know I have no reason to be mad at the boys, but there was also no reason for me to come along in the first place. I struggled to open the door with these stupid crutches.

"Here. Let me get that for you." I looked up to see Jakob Chychrun's shimmering blue eyes. 

What was my first instinct? I stabbed my crutch right into his foot and slipped through the now opened door. I heared him say something to me, but I was so pissed off at everything I didn't even bother to listen.

Once I managed to get into my room I slammed it shut and fell on my bed. I still have no idea why I'm mad. Maybe it's because I wasted a perfectly good night where I could have sat inside and watched movies. Or maybe it's because I'm an attention seeking little fudge stick. Okay second ones not really true, but I do wish my brother or boyfriend would have at least asked me how I was doing or asked me if I wanted to go to the dinner in the first place.

My thoughts were interrupted my a knock at my door. I didn't get up I'm really not in the mood to talk to any one right now. Everyone lost their chance to speak to me after tonight. If they wanted to talk they would have.

"Melinda? It's Matthew.....I'm sorry I didn't pay attention to you. So is your brother." I kept quite. 

I heard him sigh and murmur 'I love you' as his footsteps slowly faded away. I probably should have accepted his apology. It wasn't their fault. Or was it, it was their choice to ignore me. I have no idea anymore. Ill deal with them tomorrow.

I slowly moved to the bathroom to wash away all the dirt and thoughts from today. I looked at myself in the mirror noticing the necklace Matthew gave to me earlier. It was the best thing anyone has ever given me. I finished my shower and brushed my teeth. Slipping into the bed I saw a notification pop up on my phone. 

Matthew3>: breakfast....you and me tomorrow morning 7:30. I'm not taking no for an answer. Love you bunches (wow that sounds like my grandma but it's the truth) sweet dreams my love.

I smiled looking down at the text. I set an alarm and fell into sleep.

Tough Love/// Matthew TkachukМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя