Surprise Surprise

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Melinda's POV

It's been about a month since we've last talked.....Me and Matthew haven't done a lot. He just finished rookie camp yesterday and I am pretty happy because all I have been doing is cleaning and organizing our apartment and buying groceries for him and his friends because they're either at practice or too tired to do it themselves. I have to admit I hate it. Between taking care of them and studying for my degree in sports medicine it's so stressful and tiring sometimes I wish i never came. 

It hasn't been any easier on Matthew either. The coaches and trainers are pushing them as hard as they can and every time he comes home he goes straight to sleep so you can tell that I rarely talk to him anymore. Today he finally has a day off no workouts no practices. I am planning to have a chill day with him nothing too special.

"Hey I'm going to the store need anything?" 

Store? I just went to the store, "Um babe I went to the store multiple times this week I'm pretty sure we haven't ran out of food or drinks."

"Yeah I  know i just need to pick up some things." With that he was gone. Took the keys and left. 

Since I have probably lost my boyfriend I just decided to go back to sleep. There was something laying on my bed. A box. Why is there a box on my bed? 

A letter sat on top of it 'Wear this tonight I've got something planned xoxo- Tkachuk'.  Tonight? Planned? But didn't he just leave? I'm so confused.....

I opened the box. There was a soft red flannel, leggings, and UGG boots. Hmmmm... odd outfit. I mean I'm not complaining because it's basically what I wear on a daily basis but why did he buy me another outfit....?? Either way I'll go with whatever the heck he's up to right now. If he comes home that is. 

Who would know what is up with him...? AUSTON! 

I leaped for my phone and texted him, "Hey do you know what's up with Matthew he's being sneaky right now?"

The three bubbles popped up, "*enter shrug emoji here*"

"Seriously? no answer? just a dang emoji..."

"If I told you he'd kill me. Bye love you sis."

afdlkjajsdfklaj THESE MEN! Auston definitely a part of this.... 

To cool down I go to get myself a glass of milk from the fridge. Another not, 'Your appetite is precious don't fill your stomach xoxo- Tkachuk.'

My appetite is precious? Don't fill my stomach? So am I not supposed to eat now?! He's driving me insane. I need sleep....

~~~~~~~~4 hours later (5:00 pm)~~~~~~~~~~

It's been around 6 hours since Matthew has left the apartment. It has also been around 5 hours since I found Matthews first note for me. I've searched the rest of the apartment for notes or anything out of the ordinary. He even took our car so unless I wanted to walk all over Calgary I couldn't find Matthew on my own. 

I've taken a nap, watched netflix, done homework, and I am now to the point where I am bored out of my mind. 


My phone went off. 

Matthew Tkachuk- Be ready by 6 love u xoxo

Okay first, what is up with all the xo's? Second, what on earth is he up to?

I have an hour to get ready so I change into the outfit he picked out for me and no makeup because I'm just too lazy to make that much of an effort. I looked myself in the mirror. I have to admit, my boyfriend has a really good taste in clothing. I looked down at my knee. I haven't been on crutches for quiet some time now, but my knee still gives me a lot of issues. I wear a knee brace sometimes but Matthew always feels bad and decides to try and baby me so I no longer wear it when he's around. I miss hockey. I miss college. I miss my life. 

I also have to think, what would have happened if I stayed in college and didn't get to travel around with Matthew? Would we still have been close? Would we be with other people? This is why I can't be alone for too long, I start wondering off in my mind and it starts becoming a sad story and I am supposed to be as happy as possible in my life. 

I finished getting ready when I heard a knock at the door. It would probably be Matthew even if its a little earlier than 6. I opened the door to a puppy in a box with a bouquet of roses. I picked up the baby golden lab and looked at him. There on the collar was a note, been loving these clues all day. Hint my sarcasm.

'Look up....xoxo" 

I looked up and there stood Matthew in shorts and a tee shirt smiling brightly up at me.

"What on earth are you up to Tkachuk?" I asked still holding the puppy in my arms.

"I haven't been around you a lot lately because of camp and other team things and I want to make it up to you because I know all of this isn't easy on you either," he pause looking down at his feet," So your brother helped me plan out a surprise date night for you."

I smiled at him, "Thank you Matthew. No one has ever done something like that for me." 

"Put the dog inside and lets head out. And yes you get to keep and name him." 

I ran inside and put the dog in the bathroom so he wouldn't destroy the apartment. I've never had a dog before because Alex and my mom were deathly allergic to them. But I read books on how to take care of them. I grabbed my phone and headed out the door.

We walked to his car and he began to drive off into a part of town I never knew existed, "Where exactly are we going?"

"I am not telling." Matthew said with a smirk keeping his eyes on the road. 

I gave him the puppy dog eyes, "Pleaseeeee......"

He just kept driving until we reached a mountain. I gave him a questioning look and he just unpacked the car. Matthew pulled out a picnic basket and blankets. I decided not to say or ask anything and just let him play out his whole surprise. A picnic? How romantic could this guy be?

I followed him up a trail which wasn't as tough as I thought it would be considering my knee is still messed up big time. When I reached the cliff area I was able to see all of Calgary. It was beautiful. With the lights from the city shining all down below me and people running around in their cars looked like little ants. Parents trying to get home in time to spend some time with their children at home doing their homework and watching cartoons. 

"Matthew this is amazing. How did you come up with all of this." I turned around and he had laid out the blankets and food in front of him looking out at the city. 

"I told you earlier. I wanted to show you how much I appreciate you and asked some of the guys where the best date would be and they told me to bring you here," he explain looking up at me," Now come sit down and lets eat because I am starving." 

I laughed at his comment and sit down with him. He had packed chicken parmesian from the first restaurant we had ever went too in Calgary. It was delicious and there was even teramisu, my favorite desert ever. 

We spent the rest of the night talking and laughing together just enjoying each others company and looking over our new home of Calgary. I wouldn't want to be any where else. 

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