He's Back

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Matthews POV

I spent another lonesome, aggravating day in this damn dark room. God knows what Jakob has done or said while I've been helplessly laying here. For all I know he's told Melinda I'm dead by now...or worse. But I mean what's worth than death......?

The door to the room opens to reveal none other than the amazing Jakob Chychrun. Out of Tkachuk instinct I charge after him. 

"Screw you man! You can't keep me in here forever you know?!" I start pounding into him. Of course he gets his fair share of punches in as well, I mean we ARE hockey players. I grabbed his phone that was sticking out of his pocket. Lucky for me he never noticed and I let him go, "Leave. Better yet let me leave. Our careers aren't worth risking."

"Pfft... career. After this you wont ever have a career in the NHL."

"Whatya mean I wont have a career? What the hell have you done..?" I take a step back in shock.

He gives me his oh so famous smirk and leaves the room. Jokes on him I have his phone and I look beat up enough to pass as being abused by this dumby. 

I dialed up the police, "911 what's your emergency."

"Hello yes this is Matthew Tkachuk. I have been kidn-mannapped by a man by the name of Jakob Chychrun. I have no idea where I am or if anyone is even looking for me right now but I have been in here for days being starved and beat."

"Matthew as in Matthew Tkachuk??? The Calgary Flames player?" The operator asks.


"Oh my god. We've been looking all over for you. Stay on the phone. I have people tracking the phone you're using. Don't worry, we'll get you out of there."

A few minutes later I hear cops busting down outside and lots and lots of yelling. I stand up, banging up against my door, "Hey! In here! I'm in here!!" 

The police I suspect start hammering in the door. Only moments later the door opens up and I storm out. Oh sweet sweet freedom...

Melinda's POV

Since my odd encounter with Jakob last night I have been crashing at Sean Monahan's house, too afraid to face everything me and Matthew created in the few months of our relationship, the fear of wrecking the place was too strong. I woke up to the sound of Sean talking on the phone and then bursting into the guest room, "Melinda! Melinda wake up we have news! He's okay he found a way to contact the police. He's safe and in the hospital come on we'll pick up some coffee on the way there."

I wasn't in the mood to see him. I should have told him what happened last night instead of leading him to believe I actually still cared about Matthew at the moment, "I'm not really in the mood to go see him right now."

"Huh? Just yesterday you were in tears because you didn't know where he was and now you don't care? Why?"

"Look, I can't tell you why, but whatever the reason may be please just respect it." I pulled the covers back over my head.

Apparently, Sean was closer to my bed than I thought because the next thing I know I am hit with the brightness of the sun light and the chill of Calgary mornings , "What?!"

"I wanna know what happened to make you like this. You are the only person Matthew wants to see right now and I know as well as anyone else that you love him more than you let on. So please help me to understand the change in attitudes."

He sits at the edge of my bed as I sit up sighing. There's no avoiding it now, "Last night I ran into Jakob. And he told me that Matthew was cheating on me with my own best friend before we even started dated and that her baby's father is actually Matthew not Nick. So, obviously HE doesn't care about me as much I thought."

He stays quiet for a second before responding, "Do you really trust Jakob?"

He's got a point. Do I trust him? I could never trust him in the first place. He's been nothing but cruel to me and Matthew since he cheated on me in the first place. But how do I know if he IS true? That would mean I would have to go talk to Matthew about it. Which means standing face and face. While he sits in a hospital bed healing up from whatever he endured. My heart hurts for him. I miss him. I miss everything about him. He better have some good explanations....

Sean kept his promises and stopped at Tim Hortons to grab me a coffee and a bag of donut wholes. How does this man not have a girlfriend yet? Such a gentleman. We soon made it to the local hospital where Matthew was being held. 

Before leaving the car Sean stuck his hand out in front of me, blocking my path to open my door, "If it gets too much being in there I'll stay right outside and I'll take you to your place and you can pack an over night bag for mine or one of the other guy's place. Okay?"

I gave him a slight nod and we walk into the hospital together. I continue on to the main desk while he gets stopped to take a picture with a little girl and her mom. 

"Hello do you by any chance know what room Matthew Tkachuk is staying in?" I ask the woman standing at the front desk. 

"Yes, level 3 four doors to the right," she answers giving me a sweet smile.

I thank her and wait for Sean to finish his 'photoshoot' with about 15 moms. He excuses himself and follows me to the elevator.

"Momma's boy aye?" I ask , raising and eyebrow to him.

He rolls his eyes to me and shoulder pushes me into the elevator wall. We stand in front of Matthew's room. I hesitate walking in, what if I confront him and everything is true? What if it's not? Well obviously I would take him back. 

Sean notices my nervousness and places a hand on my shoulder, "Hey, you'll be okay. Don't forget what I told you back in the car. I'm right here." 

He nudges me towards the door and I walk in slowly. Matthew was laying in the hospital bed with his eyes closed. They shot open when I closed the door which I purposely tried to close quietly so he WOULDN'T wake up.

He had a large smile on his face, "Melinda oh thank god. I've miss you so dang much. How are you? You look tired. Have you slept okay? Well I guess you have been worried about me right? I wouldn't be able to sleep if it was you were in this situation." He rambles on but he notices my not so happy face, "What's wrong?"

Could I even tell him about the encounter. I mean eventually I would have to wouldn't I? Better now than never.

Author's Note

Agh I updated hehe. I hope you guys are still enjoying this story. I'm not too good at writing drama. I'm a hopeless romantic so yeah. Thanks yallz.

Tough Love/// Matthew TkachukOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora