Alucard's POV

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Alone. Never really felt alone before...but who cares? I can handle myself, the mansion, Integra's death.......Seras gone.......Walter own personal prisoner only hoping that his puny brother is alive....

"Fuck..." I muttered.

A soft knock sounded at my door. Raising my glance, I carefully inspected the area. "It's open." I growled, not wanting to see anyone of anything. "Alucard? I-it's me....Mina Harker..."



I stood, my red cloak flipping behind me as I ran towards the blonde. Her eyes locked on mine, and my heart sank, beginning to fill up with that natural hatred I had for everyone. I backed away and turned towards the back wall, not wanting to see Mina. Ever again.

"Rude as ever, Ally?" said a sly, mischievous voice from beyond Harker.

"Walter. C. Dorenez. The Angle of Death....what brings you here you traitor?"

"Just a friendly visit. Nothing more than a friendly visit."

I turned around and pulled out my Jackal, ready to kill the little insufferable prick and throw his corpse into the bowels of hell. I gritted my teeth as I saw Walter flinch at my swift movement. I slowly rested my finger on the trigger.

"Shoot me." was that Walter said. I blinked, stunned by his openness to be killed by the No-Life King.

My pleasure! my mind raced as I pulled the trigger. The bullet shooting out from the pistols barrel and into Walter's open mouth. Perfect strike.

Mina gasped and stood paralyzed by the action in front of her. I didn't hesitate as I reloaded the barrel and aimed the point at Mina's forehead. Her eyes watered and she trembled. "Alucard..." she breathed, her musky scent having the slightest pinch of fear and regret.

I smiled, showing my white sharp fangs. Mina flinched and backed away. "Alucard...Alu-CARD!!!!!!" she screeched as the the trigger was pulled and the bullet flew. Headshot.

Mina fell backwards, blood cascading from her jaw like an explosion of crimson flame. She landed onto the ground and her eyes stared lifeless at the ceiling, glazing softly over. Her whispers slowly dying. "A..l...u...card...." she coughed and with a choking breath, she died.

I hissed as my arm was suddenly unattached from my body as well as my other arm. Walter...was still alive.

The teen stood over me, an insane light flickering in his gaze. "I've waited a long time for this, Alucard!" he laughed, carelessly laughing like the world was his.

It happened fast, Walter was thrown off me by a quick flash of pale blue. Walter gagged as he propped himself up on his elbow. "What the bloody hell?" he said, glancing around the room.

"Oh yes, have you not met my servant yet? Hmm, this seems too familiar doesn't it Angle?" I coughed as I stood and my body regenerated back to standard health. "Luke, attack the 'vampire'."

With an obedient nod, the blond darted forward, machete drawn and a cigarette hanging from his mouth. His green eyes flashed red as his blood rage was about to begin. He vanished for a second and reappeared after a pale blue, curved line shown over Walter's core. After seconds, Walter gurgeled blood out of his mouth and fell, an ugly (yet beautiful in a vampires eyes) and deep cut drew across his mid torso.

Luke came back in for another strike, blade gleaming under the light crimson layer. He barred his fangs, a full-fledged set of vampire fangs. I was proud of my new fledgling. My new student.

"Luke," I stared at the pale blond as he landed feet away from Walter.

He nodded, looking confident and sure of his master's commands.

I pointed a finger at Walter, a smile creeping onto my lips.

"Search and destroy! Search and destroy!!"

After the WarDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora