Walter's POV

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Cold, musty air hung around me like a woolen blanket in the winter. I propped myself up on one elbow, gazing sleepily around the room. That's when I spotted the man clad in black and white sitting in a metal office chair a few inches outsid eof my cell. 

"Who the bloody hell are..." then it hit me before I finished my question. 

Luke Valeninte. Alucard's new student. Vampire hunetr, just like that crimson son of a bitch. 

I sat all the way and grunted as I exaimed how much Luke has changed. His hair is short, but still has a small ponytail bound by the same ribbon, his eyes are slit-pupils and green with a crimson outline. His underjacket with the gold trimming has been changed to black and white rimmings. His fangs protruded from his pale lips. 

Luke snarled, then his face relaxes and he speaks with her defined tone. "Glad to see you're awake, Walter." 

My eyes widened. What did Alucard do to make this once formal, fatherly vamp change? Torture? Bargaining? Rape? Hmm...

"Sleep well?" Luke asked calmly. Realizing that he poses no threat, I leaned back against the cell's wall. Placing my arms behind my head to cushion me from the stone behind. "Yeah. What made you change?" 

Luke's slits widened till they looked like normal pupils. "Well, Alucard promised me something..." 

This sparked my interests. 

"He said that he could bring Jan back from hell, I know he's lying, but it's worth getting out of these dingy cells." Luke resumed, fangs piercing his lips as he spoke calmly and carefully as if Alucard would come down any moment and scold him for confessing his deal with him with a 'puny' human like me. 

I nodded, knowing that I shouldn't fall into his 'throat' so easily. "So let me clarify for myself." I stated, feeling my chest tighten. "You made a deal with Vlad to live and get out of these--" I waved my finger in circles, resemblance to the cell. "But you knew that the deal was like?"

Luke nodded, crimson eyes meeting steel gray. "You remind me so much of someone." he muttered.

I cringed, knowing that I reminded Luke of someone who is painful for him to think about. "So can I get out of here?"

Luke smirked, his fangs barred. "You can figure that out on your own!" he stood, brushing dust from his black jeans. "Good night, Walter. See you at next sunset."

Well, unfortunately, sunset didn't come quickly. Most of the time, I spent trying to figure out a way to escape, and run off to the orphanage I used to live in before I was adopted by Van Helsing...

When sunset did come around, Luke visited me again, a plate of dull-flavoured food in his right hand, and a glass of water in his left. He set down the delicacies at my dispose and I devoured the meal instantly. Melting on the inside with the marvelous taste of food on my pallet.

"You like it?"

I nodded, setting the cup down. Plate licked (which is very un-proper) and glass empty entirely. "Yes. Thank you..."

Luke nodded, a smile played across his face. "More than happy too. Now let's get to business--" I stared at him, a look saying- Shut up. I need to process what you just said look. Luke's eyes turned to slits as he spoke in a darkened tone. "Lets begin...we need to find a plan to escape...something rich and well developed. Something Alucard wouldn't expect--"

I cut into his sentence.

"I can loose control."

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