Luke's POV

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"Search and destroy!! Search and destroy!!"

Alucard's orders rose memories I thought I had lost forever...the empty vastness of the  insides of Baskerville. And the way I could here flames flickering and laughs echoing in the halls after I began the battle with Alucard...and I tend to wonder who those laughs belonged to and if He got away okay.

I darted forward and drew out my revolver with a quick jolt of my hand. (a/n: I don't think it's actually a revolver but I don't pay attention to the guns so sorry if it's incorrect) Walter didn't have to chance to stand by the time I was pummeling his torso with mercury explosive shells.

Alucard smiled and slowly made his way up the stairs, leaving me to fight his battle.

Bull shit.

Walter lay like a lump of worthless butler meat on the stone floor. I grunted in disbelief when I saw blood smears and specks on my white clothing. DISGUSTING.

I resumed my work, ignoring the mess I made. Walter coughed and gagged. "I-I'm on your side....we're both can't we unite?" Walter's tone was so weak and fragile. So innocent and calm. As if he was prepared to be slashed to bits. . .like someone I know...

«» Flashback «»

"Luke? Can I sleep in here tonight? I'm afraid when daddy's coming home..." said a little voice at the edge of my bed. I opened my eyes to come face to face with my little, precious, brother: Jan.

I nodded and scooted towards the wall, holding the sheets up for the little tanned boy to scuttle under the white sheets. Once he was settled I released the covers from my hold and let them flutter onto Jan's face.

He giggled and pushed his headless teddy bear into my face. The smell of the fine cloth was soothing but with its head missing it was somewhat gruesome.

"When is daddy coming back?"

"Much later from now." I smiled weakly, hoping to reassure the young vampire. I couldn't worry him by saying that our father would be home in thirty minutes tops. He was too little to be experiencing the brutal abuse we are out through every day of every night father comes home...

Once Jan's breathing slowed, I crawled over him and onto the wooden floor and left the room quietly, hoping not to disturb anyone in the hallway or the room behind me.

Once in the kitchen, I snuck two pieces of bread and two cups of milk. I slipped into the garage and opened up a chest and pulled out two medical blood packets. Heading back to the kitchen, I slipped my treats into my satchel I brought with me and then raced quietly back up into my room.

Jan was sitting at the edge of the bed, eyes wide and mouth drooling. "Gross." I commented as I cleaned his mouth. I set down my bag and unloaded its components into my desk.

Jan locked the door and I hooked a chair under the door handle. Ready for if father was to come up here with a belt, blade, or wine glass.

"Alright Jan, remember, if we get caught what do we say about the blood?"

Jan's eyes widened and he shrugged, his teddy bear (named Headless) is his arms. I sighed and squeezed his cheeks until he was giggling and spat out the answer. "It was from our bodies! I know this already! Same old shit!"

Jan's language and grammar was always horrible, but saying 'shit' when father could be coming home any minute is pushing the limit.

I mixed the two liquids I stole together with a teaspoon and gave Jan a cup and drank mine rapidly. "Hurry up. I brought something extra special." I prompted. Jan's smile widened to show his sharp fangs.

Why he must he be so adorable?

After our midnight snack, I washed the cups out in the bathroom sink to only here the front door open and close with a loud slam. No.

«» end of flash back «»

I had spared the Shinigami. I helped him up and pushed him into the nearest cell in the dungeon. "Stay here and pretend to be dead."

What had I done?

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