Finale: Part 1

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Luke's POV

Walter's plan was simple enough for me anyways...but not so much for him...

"Walter, sacrificing yourself isn't the answer..." I told him, sweat making me uncomfortable. Walter's eyes narrowed, his lips twitching slightly. "Don't doubt me, Valentine." he snickered, his gray eyes flowing with a worry I couldn't deceiver. He looked up at me, fear completely readable on his face.

I stood as I heard a soft laugh, yet sounding from the bowels of hell, from down the hall. "Sacrifice? Walter, you must've really stepped up your game haven't you?"

Alucard's voice made a familiar sense of panic run down my spine and numb my feet, but I regained a composed outer shell, blocking off my mind.

The butlers quivering voice made me jolt. "Shit, Alucard...I'm hurt. By your scoffing words..." Alucard scoffed at the Shinigami's attempt at sarcasm. His red cloak flaring out behind him, sharp fangs glinting underneath the dark shadows over his face.

As if on cue, Alucard and I drew our guns and pointed them at each other, Walter slowly backing up, hands pulled up to his eyes, rings flashing in the moonlight.

I moved first and fired on end, pulling the trigger rapidly to create a diversion so Walter can 'loose control'. And to be honest, I have no idea what that meant, but what I did know is that is has to do with sacrifice....

I was soon riddled by bullets, feeling them tear away at my skin and explode in my body. I coughed up blood, feeling all the world around me spin and wave. I collapsed onto the stone dungeon floor, blood painting the walls like an exploded artist.

Alucard dug his foot into my chest, snapping my ribs and chest. I gagged, blood spurting onto my chest from my mouth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2014 ⏰

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